Cory's Being Eaten Alive!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2005
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I need your help. My 2 Cory's are being eaten alive

They've been in the tank with Platy's, for over 18 months but now the Platy'sare eating them alive. They are pecking at them. One Cory has severe dorsal fin damge and damage to it's skin. The other hasn't as of yet but it is being pecked so will just be a matter of time. The cory's are full grown and the Platy's are only a couple of months old. Although a couple of the full grown platy's are starting to chase them now.

I also have two other peppered Cory's but these seem fine. What's happening, why are the Platy's acting like this?
I need your help. My 2 Cory's are being eaten alive

They've been in the tank with Platy's, for over 18 months but now the Platy'sare eating them alive. They are pecking at them. One Cory has severe dorsal fin damge and damage to it's skin. The other hasn't as of yet but it is being pecked so will just be a matter of time. The cory's are full grown and the Platy's are only a couple of months old. Although a couple of the full grown platy's are starting to chase them now.

I also have two other peppered Cory's but these seem fine. What's happening, why are the Platy's acting like this?

ANYONE..... :no:
They get a large pinch of flake each day which is eaten in a matter of minutes and the odd frozen bloodworm 3 times a weeks. The tank is 190 ltrs planted with sand substrate.

They are getting distressed by this and i'm unable to seperate them either.
this is very strange are the corys in good helath otherwise as i`ve heard of fish picking on sick ones...
My guppys when i had them would peck at fish it can also be a sign of flukes.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing in the tank.
It just could be aggressive behavour, need to rule things out.
Stats would be good in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.

How many fish and which type.
this is very strange are the corys in good helath otherwise as i`ve heard of fish picking on sick ones...

The Cory's have been absolutely fine until i noticed one of the dorsal fins damaged 2 days ago. i kept an eye on it and noticed the young Platy's pecking at the fin and the body. You can imagine that the Cory's are getting pretty frustrated by this and are suffering
Never known platys to go round picking on other fish.
Asked if there was any signs of flicking and rubbing in the tank.
My guppys when i had them would peck at fish it can also be a sign of flukes.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing in the tank.
It just could be aggressive behavour, need to rule things out.
Stats would be good in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.

How many fish and which type.

These are the water stats:

Nitrite 0
pH 6
Amonia 0
Temp 25 C

Don't have the nitrate testing kit.

This is what is stocked:

2 Pearl Gouramis
1 Bristlenose Plec
1 Albino shark
1 Male Betta
2 Peppered Cory's
2 Bronze cory's
1 crab
7 Neon Tetras
6 Red Eyed Tetras
5 Harlequins
5 Adult Platy's
7 Baby Platy's
5 Red nose tetra's
2 Adult Guppies
6 Guppy Fry

All this in a 190 ltr Jewel Tank

there are no signs of rubbing and all the fish have been together for months except for red eyed tetras whiuch were added about a month ago. I've notice one of the RE tetra's is getting very aggresive towards one of the guppies. And as i was counting exactly what i have the tetra took a large chunk out of the guppies tail!!!

Probably give the tetra's away...
Sounds nasty- and odd. I agree with previous posters that when I have seen platies pick on other fish there has usually been something wrong with the other fish. Is there any way you can isolate the cories?
Your ph is not right for livebearers they need the 7 range.
iv'e tried isolating them in one of the plastic breeding hatchery but they jumped out.
I would go to the livebearer section as that ph is not right for them.
I would go to the livebearer section and see what they say, livebearers dont do well at all in acidic water they get ill.
Yes it could be that don't find that livebearers are nasty to other types of fish.

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