Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

Ok i'll see if i can get these later, rather than waiting until tomorrow
an update, bought anti finrot and fungas medication on monday. Did a 25% water change and added meds. today the Cory with the most damage isn't looking to good. Seems to be off its food and pretty unbalanced too. the other Cory has a tiny little 'cotton wool' patch on its side. so i think the meds that you recommended were right.

I gave a dose yesterday morning and then do i give another in 7 days time if there are still signs. Also what are the chances of either of them making a full recovery. The one that isn't eating ahs no othert signs than fin and sclae damage, there are no 'cotton wool' like symptoms
Hi nemo8269 :)

I'm glad you got their treatment started. A lot of it's success will have to do with how long they were sick and how advanced their condition was at the time you started it. Luck will play a part too.

Now, the best thing you can do is to keep the water temperature no higher than 24 degrees C. and, unless you have good water movement at the surface, add an airstone to increase the amount of oxygen in the water. This will make the environment less friendly to the harmful bacteria and slow their reproduction. Do water changes often and replace the medication as needed.

Good luck with them.
Thanks for all your comments. I've reduced the temp as it was at 25C. The surface is aggitated, with this be enough?

Teh Cory with the fin damage instead of swimming along the sand is swimming halfway up the tank. How good or bad is this?

Also would it be beneficial to do weekly water changes or not.

I really hope i don't lose them.
Hi nemo8269 :)

Yes, it would be much better if you did at least a 25% water change every week. Be sure to vacuum the bottom too.

Doing this will remove dirt that the harmful bacteria feed on and remove many of them that are floating in the water. You need not worry that it will hurt your beneficial bacteria because they cling to the media in your filter and won't be lost as long as there is water circulating over them.

Your fish will thank you for it. :D
OK i'll do that on Saturday. Should i be adding more meds then? I'm going away next week, what would be the best solution as to how to keep them? there is no-one to look in on them either.
Sorry to highjack the thread but just a thought, how do I vacuum the botttom? I have a gravel substrate and use SAFE water to do that job, is that effective?
That finrot med is not that great so if you see no improvement in a day or two I would switch meds.
Good luck hope they get better.
What other medication would you recommended? I did notice that the 'cotton wool' patch on one of the Cory's has disappeared. The other Bronze Cory with the fin damage is off it's food and is losing it's pinky colour, how bad is this? If there is no improvement tomorrow i'll look into getting anothe type of medication
Your have advanced bacteria infection and that finrot med is no good once this happens.
Myxazin and pimafix, good luck.
Your have advanced bacteria infection and that finrot med is no good once this happens.
Myxazin and pimafix, good luck.

What's the symptoms of advanced bacterial infections? Is this the 'cotton wool' like patch that was on one of the Cory's?
Also i have to wait 7 days before adding more meds. :unsure:

What am i to do? :sad:
Once bacterial infections start to build up, and you have a few, and once a fish stops eating as you know not good.
Once bacterial infections start to build up, and you have a few, and once a fish stops eating as you know not good.

Oh i really hope that it doesn't come to this... :sad: I've had these 2 Cory's from day 1 :-(

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