Search results

  1. FishFanatic13


    i have about 10 sunset platys 5 months old and really need to get rid of them for free sos but not doing postage but collection only if intrested post below and we can arange
  2. FishFanatic13

    Good Hardy Fish

    really oh because my dad cycled his tank with neon and did not lose any but has lost 3 cardinals in a 1 year matured tank
  3. FishFanatic13

    Mts Malaysian Trumpet Snails

    no its fine i am 14 and just was hoping you were local so could pick them up dont worry
  4. FishFanatic13

    Good Hardy Fish

    neon tetra are quite a good small fish and colourful and belive it or not they are very hardy. its cardinals that are not hardy
  5. FishFanatic13


    oh ok thanks i was just checking. So would there be any cichlids that would be ok in a 60l or that could go with my currant stock
  6. FishFanatic13

    Java Moss Or Blue Rams

    hi i live in uckfield and was really hoping that someone might have some blue rams i could have or swap for some guppys or sunset platys or just a small amount of java moss because i have heard that it is a easy to grow plant so would only need a small bunch please if so please reply but you...
  7. FishFanatic13

    Mts Malaysian Trumpet Snails

    no i live in uckfield sorry
  8. FishFanatic13


    right ok thanks but i have already thought that one thought because once they are to big i will move them to one of mny ads 240l with some other loachs but would they be ok in my other 60l tank once i have manmged to sell my baby guppies and platys or with them as they are about 5 months old now...
  9. FishFanatic13

    Mts Malaysian Trumpet Snails

    sos but where abouts do you live because i wouldnt mind a few if ok to pick them up
  10. FishFanatic13


    3foot long by 1foot by 1foot high
  11. FishFanatic13


    the tank is around 100 litre
  12. FishFanatic13


    ok great thanks and i do have space left i will try and find them at a lfd and thanks about the comments about i have a nice mix i am only 14 and have only been into it for about 1year and a bit so great compliment
  13. FishFanatic13


    I have a Community tank with 7 guppies, 7 platys, 4 pentazona barbs, 4 penguin tetra , 4 zebra danios, 1 flying fox , 2 dojo loachs would it be ok to add 2-5 Bolivian Rams or blue rams in there the tanks is fully matured and has two internal filters
  14. FishFanatic13


  15. FishFanatic13

    Dwarf Puffer Fish

    ok thanks i will set up a puffer only tank then i have two tanks
  16. FishFanatic13

    Dwarf Puffer Fish

    could you keep dwarf puffer fish in a community tank with for example penguing tetra zebra danios platys
  17. FishFanatic13


    oh we will do we are still catching 1 or 2 a day so just email me at this email address [email protected] when you want some and we can arrange it
  18. FishFanatic13


    i got 20 baby paltys and about 50 baby guppys and really need to get rid of some . the guppys and paltys are about 4 months old so would not get eaten if anybody would like any amount they want for free please reply on this post i live in framfield near uckfield
  19. FishFanatic13


    i got 20 baby paltys and about 50 baby guppys and really need to get rid of some . the guppys and paltys are about 4 months old so would not get eaten if anybody would like any amount they want for free please reply on this post i live in framfield near uckfield
  20. FishFanatic13

    Best Shoalers

    from my old tank i had rummynose and they are my best but also mine and my dads barbs are great and the barbs s i have are pentazona barbs
  21. FishFanatic13


    ok thanks very helpful and thats what i thought because they done it in my old tank but was just checking
  22. FishFanatic13

    Sounds Stupid But...

    i have two weather loachs (dojo loachs) and if thre is a storm they will go all lively and start darting around the tank
  23. FishFanatic13


    hi i have a 100l tank with 5 x platy 4 x penrazona barbs 4 x penguin tetra 2 x weather loachs (Dojo loachs) 1 x flying fox 4 x zebra danios and last night i added 7 half baby guppys from my dads baby tank and they have all hid at the back of the tank at the surface of the water is this natural...
  24. FishFanatic13

    Dojo Loach

    hi i just brought a golden dojo loach and just watched my pentazona barbs go for him he is about a incgh long will this stop his being in about 3hours
  25. FishFanatic13


    ok thanks
  26. FishFanatic13

    Java Fern

    right ok thanks
  27. FishFanatic13


    hi i know this is a common qustion but i have a community tank with 4 penguin tetra getting two more 4 pentazona barbs 4 zebra danios 6 platy and 1 cory getting 5 more and was woundering if a upside down catfish would mix in with them i have plenty of caves and wood in my tank if that is good...
  28. FishFanatic13

    Java Fern

    i really want an easy growing plant for the back of my tank and want to know the most easy fast growing plant there is so not much light but grows in days i do add plant food weekly and have two t8 bulbs
  29. FishFanatic13


    i have a tank with two pieces of bog wood in it and want another pices and was woundering if you can use and wood like oak, beech etc and if so is there any specical requirments you need to do to it like take the bark of it Also the wood i have is starting to grow white stuff on it and was...
  30. FishFanatic13

    Biotop Advice

    one for cardinals
  31. FishFanatic13

    Biotop Advice

    ok thanks
  32. FishFanatic13

    Biotop Advice

    hi i have a 100l tank and want to add oak leaves in there and want to know whats bad and good about having them and if i have to clean them first etc
  33. FishFanatic13


    Hi i just set up a tank and was wondering if snails are immune to ammonia and nitrite if so would it be ok to get one
  34. FishFanatic13


    ok thanks i will see what my lfd has in stock
  35. FishFanatic13


    right ok but i will move him into a tank with more cory then but a couple of rams with my setup would be fine then thanks
  36. FishFanatic13

    Newww Tank Fish Help =)

    well some good fish would be platy, zebra danio, penguin tetra, neon tetra, guppies if you want baby fry
  37. FishFanatic13

    Red Clawed Crabs

    right ok thanks
  38. FishFanatic13


    the tank is 100l and my community fish are 5x platy 4x penguin tetra 4x zebra danio 4x pentazona barbs 1x cory but i can move the cory if need be
  39. FishFanatic13


    hi i have just set up a new tank and was woundering whether i could keep cichlids with normal community fish
  40. FishFanatic13

    Ideas On Fish For My New Tank

    well i used to have a 60l but upgraded so i can speak from experiance i used to have some zebra danios which are very active. You could also have some neons tetra for colour.