

Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2009
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I have a Community tank with 7 guppies, 7 platys, 4 pentazona barbs, 4 penguin tetra , 4 zebra danios, 1 flying fox , 2 dojo loachs
would it be ok to add 2-5 Bolivian Rams or blue rams in there the tanks is fully matured and has two internal filters
Depends how the big the tank is. Is there room left? I think they would go well with the other fish in there.

And it would be pretty cool if you could get the external. Would just need be matured and that.

James :good:
Yes, as James says, we'd need to know the tank size to advise :good: Sounds like a lively mix you have in there now :)
As already said, depending on the tank size 2 Bolivian Rams would be ok in there. :good: Pentazoa Barbs are the non-nippy ones right? You would only want two because Rams establish territories and will fight unless you provide about 20g per pair, also get a male and female for the same reason. They will get a bit agressive during breeding to my knowledge (If they do breed). Another thing is the temperature, Scotty said the BLUE rams do best at 80 degrees Fahrenheit, Blue rams are a completely different species. However I do not know the ideal temperature for Bolivian rams but I know they are much less picky than Blue rams :nod: . I hope this helps :good:
ok great thanks and i do have space left i will try and find them at a lfd
and thanks about the comments about i have a nice mix i am only 14 and have only been into it for about 1year and a bit so great compliment
What size is the actual tank?

For bolivians you're best getting a decent sized group to begin with and then hopefully you'll get a mated m/f pair. They are incredibly hard to sex until fully grown.

So if you are willing to re-home the others if/when a pair forms then definitely get 5. And don't get more than one unless you have at least a 30"long tank.
The possibly have room for a pair with regards to the tank footprint, you could either buy a pair or get a group to see if a mated pair forms and then re-home the others. But you're pretty much at stocking capacity from the list you gave.

However the flying fox and dojo loach aren't totally suitable in their long term. So I wouldn't suggest buying any fish until you've had a think about that. You've got a decent size tank and there are plenty of smaller alternatives that would be suitable.
If you ended up removing the flying fox and dojo loaches then I would definitely go for bolivian rams as your next addition.
right ok thanks but i have already thought that one thought because once they are to big i will move them to one of mny ads 240l with some other loachs
but would they be ok in my other 60l tank once i have manmged to sell my baby guppies and platys or with them as they are about 5 months old now so not to small they will get eaten
I personally wouldn't recommend having more than one bolivian ram in a 2ft x 1ft tank space. So no I definitely wouldn't put a pair in a 60l.
oh ok thanks i was just checking. So would there be any cichlids that would be ok in a 60l or that could go with my currant stock
Yes, but like Curiosity said 2 Bolivians in a 60litre would be a push.

Cockatoo dwarfs grow to like 3 inches, they can be considered. Or Balloon Rams? Just check the FSI, im sure there are several that would suit a 60litre

James :good:

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