Sounds Stupid But...


Fish Crazy
Dec 25, 2009
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Can a storm outside affect they way the fish act?

I know this probably sounds crazy as they are behind glass in a tank simulating their environment, but I live in melbourne australia and we just had the worst storm in 40 years, like it was insane. And since then I swear all my yoyo loaches personalities have changed, the 3 fat and outgoing ones have been hiding since saturday and the 2 shy ones have been out and about.

Nothing can bring them out its so weird, surely thunder cant affect them as I play music through my stereo and they have no reaction.

Its weird my water stats are fine nothing has changed

any suggestions?
Hmmm, thunder's not just noise though is it? There would have been strange air pressure and humidity which maybe they can sense?
I think fish are much more aware of their surroundings than we give them credit for. As ellena suggested, maybe they could sense the difference in the air, perhaps they also notice weird lighting. As for the thunder, your music would be a constant beat whereas the thunder would be a sudden crack, perhaps they were more startled by it. Or maybe they just like your music :D

Other animals can sense things that we can't, sometimes we can't explain why - e.g. dogs know a storm is coming before we see the signs (though we do cheat with weather forecasts!). Fish may well have similar talents.

Does anyone know of research into fish senses?
I am sure I have read somewhere that Loaches are able to percieve changes in atmospheric pressures.
I do believe that's why weather loaches are called 'weather' loaches, as they are supposed to go crayz in the tank do to the drop in barometric pressure, I imagine other fish have similar feelings.

I have read about people trying to breed their bettas after a thunderstorm, as it seems it kinda gets them in the mood.
common sense they are more sensitive than us, i see my fish jump sometimes if a car door across the street is closed and a can barely hear it, they are on a concrete floor so the noise travels through two mediums, through the ground and also air to fish glass,
I would be interested in knowing what frequencies fish can hear, but i think they can sense all frequencies in the vibration of the water.
(they could be just seasick from the air pressure changing so fast(every few seconds)alright) :crazy:
but yeah, they would have been terrified just like a dog or cat.

next time ur in the bath submerse your ears, once the air pops out of your ears you can hear all the noises in the house magnified that you normally wouldnt hear.
i have two weather loachs (dojo loachs) and if thre is a storm they will go all lively and start darting around the tank
totally off topic.. but some of you have dojo's.. have you ever seen this in your tanks? I'm trying to find out if dojo's shed. it's the only thing I can think of. All my filters are sponge filters so I know that isn't it.


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