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  1. J

    New Lights For A Juwel 180l

    I still have the original lights with my juwel 180l tank. I am planning on having a heavily planted tank. I am cleaning out my tank and starting again after having TB in the tank. I have CO2 and fertilisers so just need the right lights. I have read the threads on lighting and am slightly...
  2. J

    Cool Spider In My Kitchen

    Spiders make me feel :unsure: if theyre small and 10 metres or more away. Any closer any fur or hair visible - :crazy: Linford Christie style spiders also - :crazy: And this is before I reaslised UK spiders DO BITE. Tuesday night, on my own...I turned the light off, told the dog to jump...
  3. J

    Efficiency Of Jbl Diffuser

    I bought the same one recently. I have it running so that theres a bubble every third ring on the diffuser (dont know how many bubbles per sec this is) and it keeps the CO2/PH stable. Am hoping that plants will eventually hide the diffuser - i agree its a bit conspicuous.
  4. J

    Seachem Flourite

    Has anybody tried seachem flourite as a substrate? Is is any good? If yes, is it cheaper to buy off internet?
  5. J

    Starting Again With Main Tank

    Thanks for the info on the filters Bloo. Had a nasty bacterial disease months ago which killed 3 guppies in as many weeks (with different symptoms - pop-eye, dropsy, ulcers ) and maybe 2 dwarf gouramis before that. Suspected TB but wasnt sure. Weeks later 2 more guppies died with bent...
  6. J

    Starting Again With Main Tank

    What filter would you get for a juwel 180l?
  7. J

    Starting Again With Main Tank

    Oh no, not more big decisions! :S I would be very nervous of taking it out - I'd probably break the tank. :crazy:
  8. J

    Starting Again With Main Tank

    Thanks. Anyone know an easy way to get under the filter to scrub - i dont think filter housing comes out of juwel tanks?
  9. J

    Starting Again With Main Tank

    When you say steralise the filter, do you mean the filter housing? as I would need new sponges right? If I fill the tank with water and add Milton wouldnt this be more effective?
  10. J

    Starting Again With Main Tank

    Thanks for the advice. I have a 180l juwel tank. Would one big bottle of Milton be enough do you think?
  11. J

    Starting Again With Main Tank

    *bump* Anybody... any advice?
  12. J

    Starting Again With Main Tank

    BIG decision... After suspecting I had TB in my tank a few months ago, ( bent spines) everything seemed to settle down. I didnt use anti biotics as I didnt want to ruin filter and fish al seemed ok for 3 weeks or so. Then I had 3 guppies die at about 4 week intervals and water stats have been...
  13. J

    What Do You Think Of This?

    I like the front one, as im a sucker for landscapy things- but the other will be better for showing your colourful fish.
  14. J

    Help With Choosing A Co2 System

    I have a juwel 180l tank with original lighting atm (1wpg Im told). I want to go for pressurised CO2 as I know I wont want to be faffing around mixing sugar etc. I don't mind paying out to begin with if it will save me in the long run and save time, but also dont want to be ripped off. Are...
  15. J

    Change Lighting Or Add Co2 First?

    OK. can you recommend a CO2 system that is EASY (for dummies like me) and not too time comsuming.
  16. J

    Change Lighting Or Add Co2 First?

    Not been into fish that long & started straight off with plants so have really had algae from the beginning more or less. I have a juwel 180 tank with the lights that came with the tank 2 x 25w. I have lights on 5hr, siesta, then on 5hrs again. Algae building up very quickly after each clean...
  17. J

    Male Guppies Prefer One Female

    One of my female guppies is constantly bothered by the 2 males. I have 4 blue tailed females and she is an oranged tailed. They do pester the biggest blue one now & again, but mostly she gets it! Even the baby male guppy is pestering her now. Sometimes the 3 guys are after her at once. It...
  18. J

    Fish Is Suffering

    I guess its like an anaesthetic for them, i wasnt sure this on its own would kill them I thought it just made the 'knife' bit painless. But I learnt tonight it does & it seemed pretty quick.
  19. J

    Fish Is Suffering

    Thanks Yeah I will do. Ive bought some gloves for when im doing water changes, if ive got tb in my tanks, jsut to be on the safe side, theyre like washing up gloves - do you think theyre safe to use ie they wont put any chemicals into the water ??
  20. J

    Fish Is Suffering

    He was in hospital tank with sick danio. Not entirely sure it had ruptured but it looked open and Im sure he didnt have long left when i saw him curled around the filter sucker. Anyway he's in fishy heaven now.
  21. J

    Help With Very Sick Fish

    have posted this in emergencies but seems no one is on there at the mo & i was hoping for some rapid advice as i think my fish is suffering. this is the thread in emergencies. thread
  22. J

    Fish Is Suffering

    my guupy was laid curled around the filter tube when i came in upide down. it swam away when i went to move it but it keeps sinking headfirst. i think its ulcer has ruptured and i just wanted to check that people agree that it looks like the poor fish has had enough. If yes, ive heard of...
  23. J

    Cant Get Hold Of Anti-biotics

    I still cant get any from a vet. HAd a look on e-bay. CAnt find any minocin but found some tetracycline - is this any good?
  24. J

    Cant Get Hold Of Anti-biotics

    :lol: I might try my own vet again tomorrow. Theyve had their share of money out of me - ive been there with the dog every week for past 6 weeks. They said they would need to see the fish to prescribe but i might try a bit of gentle persuasion again.
  25. J

    Cant Get Hold Of Anti-biotics

    WOW, it is expensive. Just clicked on checkout & they slap on shipping charges and prescription charges and it ends up being double original price. I wonder what story I could spin my GP...:lol:
  26. J

    Cant Get Hold Of Anti-biotics

  27. J

    Cant Get Hold Of Anti-biotics

    Ive been ringing around local vets in my area today to try and get anti-biotics for what could be TB or a nasty bacterial outbreak. No luck! None of them even knew of anyone to put me in touch with who would prescribe antibiotics for fish. Does anyone know of anywhere in the NE of england...
  28. J

    Nasty Bacterial Infection

    OK thanks for the advice.
  29. J

    Nasty Bacterial Infection

    I'll try and get some tomorrow but should I treat the main tank with them too. The ill fish are in an isolation tank.
  30. J

    Nasty Bacterial Infection

    The zebra danio is now extremely pale , his black stripes are now a light grey colour. The guppy with the ulcer is also pale but it it swimming around more. The ulcer is still huge but not so red looking. No other sick fish so far in main tank. Haven't managed to get any anti-biotics yet...
  31. J

    Nasty Bacterial Infection

    If I can get antibiotics, do you just put them into the water or is it given in food? I was wondering whether snails could carry a disease and if I treated fish, could the snails still be carrying it for any new fish that were introduced in the future?
  32. J

    Nasty Bacterial Infection

    I have a hospital tank and the guppy with the ulcer and the hunchedbacked danio are in there now. I did a 50% water change today in main tank and have added King british bateria control.
  33. J

    Nasty Bacterial Infection

    My tank has had its fair share of problems in the last few weeks. All my guupy fry died. Then a guppy got dropsy and popeye and died. I have a guppy which has developed an ulcer. Last week my dwarf gourami died but showed no physiacal sign of disease apart from being pale and she hung in the...
  34. J


    I have in some bacterial med by King British. Is this any good. The ulcer is really huge. He's a little male guppy and the width of his body is now twice as wide where the ulcer is. Its painful just to look at. Is he likely to recover from this?
  35. J


    Have been treating my guppy with an ulcer for 2 weeks now with pimafix and melafix. It did look as if it was beginning to get better when i 1st started treating it, but now its grown to about twice the size and its very red & sore looking. Should i switch to a different treatment?
  36. J

    Is It An Algae Bloom

    After adding a dose of med my water went cloudy the next day. The cloudiness is almost all gone but i have what looks like loads of tiny fine hairs floating around in the water. water is full of it. Is it algae and will it go on its own? Should i do a water change?
  37. J

    Treatment For Popeye & Dropsy

    Will adding salt hep the fish with dropsy. Its seriously big now and scales sticking out.
  38. J

    Treatment For Popeye & Dropsy

    no it definitely doent look like a cauliflwer. Just wondering, since started using powdered fry food, the water is sort of greasy algealooking on the top. Is this likey to cause ant illness?
  39. J

    Treatment For Popeye & Dropsy

    Its a creamy colour, it just looked like a thicker patch, same colour as fin. A little hole has appeared next to it. Am wondering if introduction of the dwarf gourami brought infection in as everything was ok before that, now all sorts of things cropping up. Have lost 2 fry today too.