

Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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Have been treating my guppy with an ulcer for 2 weeks now with pimafix and melafix.
It did look as if it was beginning to get better when i 1st started treating it, but now its grown to about twice the size and its very red & sore looking.

Should i switch to a different treatment?
Yes, definately. Ulcers are from a bacterial infection, and melafix isn't strong enough to fight the bacteria. I know your medicine choices are relatively limited in the UK. You can try the interpet meds, or you can try to contact a vet for a stronger antibiotic (i've heard of people getting their doctors to prescribe antibiotics for their fish also).

Here is a link with some more information for you. http://www.fbas.co.uk/Ulcers.html
Interpet do a med for ulcers it anti internal bacteria med, good luck.
I have in some bacterial med by King British. Is this any good.

The ulcer is really huge. He's a little male guppy and the width of his body is now twice as wide where the ulcer is. Its painful just to look at.

Is he likely to recover from this?
I'm not very familiar with the UK meds, but adding it can never hurt. I know your best bet woudl be to call a vet and try to convince them to perscribe antibiotics.
I agree you probably need an antibiotic.

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