Treatment For Popeye & Dropsy


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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I think one of my guppies has popeye. one eye is sticking right out. she also looks like she is full of fluid.

I have reomoved her from the main tank as the males seemed to be hassling her.

She is now in hos tank with another guppy with ulcer with a divider between them.

Was already treating this tank with melafix and pima fix. Will this be ok for the guppy with popeye( if thats what it is)?
Does mel/pimafix treat popeye? If not, I'd use maracyn. Its worked for me before (twice).
yes melafix wil treat both symptoms
but the are just that symptoms
you shold first id the underlying cause.

what are your water parmeters?
yes melafix wil treat both symptoms
but the are just that symptoms
you shold first id the underlying cause.

what are your water parmeters?

Amm 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10, pH 7.6.
Cant understand why fish becoming ill. Doing weekly water changes. Feeding flakes and shelled peas, some freezedried bloodworm.

Current ill fish are 1 guppt with ulcer, 1 guppy with pop eye, dwarf gourami seems to be developing lump in her fin and just noticed a tiny hole next to it.

advice welcomed
Popeye,dropsy and ulcers interpet anti internal bacteria med.
Popeye,dropsy and ulcers interpet anti internal bacteria med.

dwarf gourami seems to be developing lump in her fin and just noticed a tiny hole next to lump.

Any ideas what this could be. Have noticed a little thicker patch in the fin since i got her but thought it was part of her markings. Seems not so, now.
Sadly it sounds like you have a bad bacteria infection in your tank, the lump on the fin what colour is it, does it look fluffy.

Not the writer of this information below.
Bacterial Infection (see photos) Bacterial diseases are usually the result of unsanitary tanks, cold water, over-crowding, corn-based diets, or parasite infestation. There are several forms of bacterial infections that can infect your fish. Many times the symptoms of bacterial disease can be visible on the fish. Such common diseases are Fin Rot, Ulcers, and Dropsy. Other bacterial infections are impossible to distinguish without running laboratory tests. It is not necessary to identify the specifics before you can treat the fish. To help prevent this maintain proper water conditions. Symptoms: Cloudy eyes, open sores on the body, abscesses, inflammation of the skin(reddening), fins or internal organs. Bulging eyes may be present or possibly rapid breathing. Treatment: A fish infected with a bacterial disease should be treated in a separate tank( if possible). The best medicine is a broad spectrum gram negative antibiotic such as furan, kanamycin sulfate, or spectrogram. There are other possible treatments. See your local pet store.
Sadly it sounds like you have a bad bacteria infection in your tank, the lump on the fin what colour is it, does it look fluffy.

Its a creamy colour, it just looked like a thicker patch, same colour as fin.

A little hole has appeared next to it.

Am wondering if introduction of the dwarf gourami brought infection in as everything was ok before that, now all sorts of things cropping up.

Have lost 2 fry today too.
Just a creamy patch, dosn't look like a cauliflower does it, just to make sure.
Just a creamy patch, dosn't look like a cauliflower does it, just to make sure.

no it definitely doent look like a cauliflwer.

Just wondering, since started using powdered fry food, the water is sort of greasy algealooking on the top. Is this likey to cause ant illness?
Soak the suface gunk up with kitchen papar that will get rid off it of the surface of the tank, get a bacterial med as all the deseases you have mentioned are bacterial before you add the med, do a vac and water change, good luck.
Will adding salt hep the fish with dropsy. Its seriously big now and scales sticking out.

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