Starting Again With Main Tank

If you are happy with the filter leave it in, if not you use a stanley knife to break the silcone sealing, just have to be careful not to scatch the glass.

What filter would you get for a juwel 180l?
The Biolife filters are the sandard filtes for the Tropiquarium tanks - they are huge big black internal unsightly boxes unfortunately - albeit a good filter.

If you're seriously considering removing your internal Juwel, then replace it with a Eheim 2026 - for £99.95 inclusive of media, this is great :good:

If you want to know how to go about removing the filter:

I have removed my Juwel filter without any problem whatsoever - it took less than 5 minutes and I did not have to strip or empty the tank :)

Just remove approx 50% of the water.
Remove all inner filter sponges & heater (and keep in the 50% water that's been siphoned off; while you remove filter).
Make sure all electricity to your tank is off.
Get yourself a "snap-off-blade" Stanley knife.
The Juwel Filters have 4 blobs of 1" silicone on each side attached to the tank (back & left).
Start with the top front blobs and use the knife in a "sawing" motion to slice through the silicone. Then do the back top blobs.
Then the bottom front.
By this time you can almost just gently pull the filter forward, enough to reach the back 2 blobs (side and left).
Once filter is removed, you can use a (unused or fish dedicated) pot scouring pad to remove any remaining silicone.

Note: Take great care not to let the blade slice into the actual tank seal silicone !

Place all Juwel sponges in new external filter, plug and ply and bob's your uncle :thumbs:

Ps: you can still use your internal Juwel heater - just buy a Heater Guard.

Out of interest, which fish were affected by bent spines ? How many of them and over what time period ? Did any die as a result ?
Out of interest, which fish were affected by bent spines ? How many of them and over what time period ? Did any die as a result ?

Thanks for the info on the filters Bloo.

Had a nasty bacterial disease months ago which killed 3 guppies in as many weeks (with different symptoms - pop-eye, dropsy, ulcers ) and maybe 2 dwarf gouramis before that. Suspected TB but wasnt sure. Weeks later 2 more guppies died with bent spines. I have a zebra danio with a hunched back but she hasn't succomed to the disease.

I did freeze one of the affected fish, to have TB confirmed but I cant find any vets in my area whcih deal with fish.
Whats going too happen too the fish you currently have after you revamp the tank?

As the fish I have could be carriers of TB I have finally decided these fish from my main tank will go in a smaller tank and hopefully live out their lives happily. (5 zebra danio, 4 cardinal tetras, 2 cherry barbs, 4 guppies)

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