Nasty Bacterial Infection


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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My tank has had its fair share of problems in the last few weeks.

All my guupy fry died. Then a guppy got dropsy and popeye and died. I have a guppy which has developed an ulcer. Last week my dwarf gourami died but showed no physiacal sign of disease apart from being pale and she hung in the corner.
Now I have a zebra danio which has also gone pale and is looking hunched and resting at bottom.

Apart form treating with a bacteria med any other suggestions what to do to prevent more losses?

water stats amm 0, nitrite 0, Ph 7.6, nitrate 10
It sounds like you've got a contagious bacterial infection going around in your tank. Ideally, i'd say to call a vet and ask for antibiotics, as the ones avaliable are fairly week and it sounds like you've got something pretty lethal going on.

THe other thing you can do is to buy a hospital tank (and resist the urge to use it as a fry tank). This way when a fish gets sick, it won't be spread.
I have a hospital tank and the guppy with the ulcer and the hunchedbacked danio are in there now.

I did a 50% water change today in main tank and have added King british bateria control.
If I can get antibiotics, do you just put them into the water or is it given in food?

I was wondering whether snails could carry a disease and if I treated fish, could the snails still be carrying it for any new fish that were introduced in the future?
Not sure about the snails, antibiotics can be mixed in with food, or added to the tank, but the vet will tell you the best course of action to take, not nice sorry for your problems.
The zebra danio is now extremely pale , his black stripes are now a light grey colour.

The guppy with the ulcer is also pale but it it swimming around more. The ulcer is still huge but not so red looking.

No other sick fish so far in main tank.

Haven't managed to get any anti-biotics yet. Have they got a chance of surviving - they both look so awful?
To be honest no, if that ulcer is really bad then it needs an antibiotic, have you an issolation tank, as if tb is there if the fish dye and they peck at there bodies the fish is doomed.
You should be able to get minocycline from a vet even i've had them antibiotics from a doctor.
I'll try and get some tomorrow but should I treat the main tank with them too. The ill fish are in an isolation tank.
Good they are in issolation, yes both tanks.

Minocycline 100 mg/10 gallons every other day bacteria possibly effective against fish tuberculosis

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