Efficiency Of Jbl Diffuser


Fish Fanatic
Mar 12, 2006
Reaction score
London, Uk
I've just upgraded to the JBL pressurised system. I'm a bit surprised at the amount of bubbles per second (2-3) that I need to maintain the level I'm after (25-30 ppm). I havent quite reached that level yet, but in comparison to the 2 Nutrafins I was using I am there are definately a lot more bubbles to reach the same level.
The Nutrafin ladder system had a shallower incline and bubbles were in contact with water for longer.
Is the JBL diffuser any good or would I be better off changing to one of this ceramic/glass jobbies? I like the look of them as they are so much smaller and in a relatively small aquarium seem preferable from an aesthetic point of view.

I bought the same one recently. I have it running so that theres a bubble every third ring on the diffuser (dont know how many bubbles per sec this is) and it keeps the CO2/PH stable. Am hoping that plants will eventually hide the diffuser - i agree its a bit conspicuous.
I had the same problem when i bought my JBL set, the co2 levels where up and down like a kid on redbull :lol:
I ended up taking the diffuser out and putting the co2 into the intake of the filter, since doing that i have not had a co2 issue since.

The bubble rate with the JBL diffuser was as you say about 2/3bubbles per sec, and the co2 was unstable at that.
Where as with it going into the filter intake the bubble rate was 1 bubble per sec and a stable 40/50ppm.

I can't say much about the glass/ceramic diffuser, apart from there suppose to dissolve a 100% of the co2 into the water or there abouts.
I'm looking to get one for all three of my tanks in the near future.

If you need a quick cheap fix i almost certainly try putting it strait into your external filter.

I had the same problem when i bought my JBL set, the co2 levels where up and down like a kid on redbull :lol:
I ended up taking the diffuser out and putting the co2 into the intake of the filter, since doing that i have not had a co2 issue since.

The bubble rate with the JBL diffuser was as you say about 2/3bubbles per sec, and the co2 was unstable at that.
Where as with it going into the filter intake the bubble rate was 1 bubble per sec and a stable 40/50ppm.

I can't say much about the glass/ceramic diffuser, apart from there suppose to dissolve a 100% of the co2 into the water or there abouts.
I'm looking to get one for all three of my tanks in the near future.

If you need a quick cheap fix i almost certainly try putting it strait into your external filter.


Any recommendations for a cheap diffuser? There are a few sub £20 ones in aquaessentials-any to avoid? Do I need a bubble counter, it seems as though one may be unnecessary once I' have set the rough level with the existing diffuser.
I must be close to 4 bubbles a second at the moment with the JBL-most of the bubbles seem to go to the surface into thin air! A cheap mpre efficient diffuser may be a good investment!



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