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  1. J

    Cant Get It Right!

    Thanks James Yeah it's short green strands but as it grows it looks like the leaves are covered in green fur. I turn the CO2 off during night and during the siesta (soon after lights off). Ive measured my CO2 before by testing the Ph of water normally and then again with CO2 aiming for a drop...
  2. J

    Cant Get It Right!

    I thought it was thread algae but it looks like the algae in the Oedogonium pic. CO2 is stable and high, and although I don't remember to dose EI every day, I catch up the next day and I dont think I ever leave it long enough for any deficiencies.
  3. J

    Cant Get It Right!

    Hi all, was hoping people would be able to offer some advice on getting rid of the algae. Ever since I upped my lighting, its been around. If I turn off extra lights it slows down, but I like my high lighting and the effects it has on the plants, and I am determined to get it right. So here's...
  4. J

    Flourish Excel - What Plants Could It Kill?

    It affects my dwarf vallis, but it has never killed it completely. Some of the leaves die off, and they certainly look worse for wear for a bit. I suppose it depends on how mcuh you dose.
  5. J

    75g Planted

    Gorgeous tank. Did I see this tank on
  6. J

    Alternatives To Hairnets

    After spending hours trying to free 2 fish who were wrapped up in hairnet, and lost one of them, does anyone have a safer way to hold down riccia?
  7. J

    Hair Net Emergency

    **update** Managed to save one of them, I could pull the net away eventually and she came back round. Put her in hospital tank with some melafix. The other one was just too tightly wrapped in it so I put more clove oil in to make sure she didnt wake up. Sorry I put the stupid stuff in the...
  8. J

    Hair Net Emergency

    thanks oohfeeshy. What to use to anethetise? I have used clove oil to euthanise before, would a drop or two just anethetise?
  9. J

    Hair Net Emergency

    After a bit of a move around yesterday, found 2 platties stuck in the hairnet over my riccia (which has caused no problems till I moved things about). Anyway freed them this morning in the dim light. But returned home tonight & discovered with the tank lights on that I have left some hairnet on...
  10. J

    Pleco Tank!

    Thats a great looking tank. Love the plecs too. I've been trying to get a small pleco for ages but cant find an lfs near me that sells or will get any 'Ls'. Btw, Ive got group of bleeding hearts and theyre quite shy too. they hang around the back of all the plants and fly out when theres food...
  11. J

    Cant Get Co2 Refills

    Im in the north east
  12. J

    Cant Get Co2 Refills

    Thanks Dave. Thats great! Would the pressure be different?
  13. J

    Cant Get Co2 Refills

    Thanks Liam. Have been reading xings post and JamesC's picture of his extinguisher set up scares me. Will my kit just fit on the fire extinguisher without any need for extra tubes or regulators etc. No need for any alterations?
  14. J

    Cant Get Co2 Refills

    Cant get co2 refills anywhere in my area. I dont want to have to pay aquatics online prices every few months and worse, wait 3 weeks for them. So Im thinking of getting a fire extinguisher which I can get refilled more easily and will last longer. I have the Proflora Prof ll set. Could...
  15. J


    Hi Richard My nextdoor neighbour has just brought it round. it arrived the other day. The postie didn't leave me a not tho' to say they'd been. Hope the plants are OK. Thanks for replying, puzzle solved. Julia
  16. J


    Has anyone ordered anything from aquaessentials recently and received it? Or anyone got their phone number as Im trying to track my order but cant get in contact with them? Or even better, Aquaessentials, are you out there? PLEASE e-mail me back.
  17. J

    Excel Dosing For Staghorn

    *Update* Well Im happy to say something i did worked as after about 5 days staghorn had turned pale and sort of fluffy and I am now staghornless! :yahoo:
  18. J

    Additional Lighting For Juwel 180

    I replaced the rubbish tubes for 2 arcadia bulbs and I bought 2 T5s @ 55w each. at the mo they are atached with cable ties after i placed one on top on the lid while fiddling around with new plants and melted it. When i get around to it im going to make anice new wooden hood with all lights...
  19. J

    Jbl Profloar Co2 Set Profi

    I have the JBL Profi Version 2. If you want something thats easy to set up its great and the night time shut off makes life that little bit easier. The only thing i dont like about it is the big grey diffuser -it s very hard to hide.
  20. J

    Excel Dosing For Staghorn

    Ok today I did 60% WC, took off every leaf Where I could see the staghorn. Cleaned filter a little ie rinsed pads & media in tank water. When tank was 1/2 empty i dosed the Excel, 2x dose.Filled tank back up, turned CO2 back on and dosed EI ferts. Update after a few days on state of stagorn.
  21. J

    Co2 System, How Much Did U Pay For Us?

    not sure as im running it much faster than before, and im leaving it on all day through the siesta aswell, ill tell you when it runs out. :)
  22. J

    Co2 System, How Much Did U Pay For Us?

    i pay £10 for 250g bottle to be reflled. it took me a while to find somewhere that would do it tho
  23. J

    Excel Dosing For Staghorn

    I dont think I could up my CO2. Nitrates usually between 10-20. Phosphate between 1-2. No signs of K deficiency on plants. I think the staghorn appeared because I had no CO2 for a fortnight but now its there I cant seem to get rid of it. A few people have suggested cleaning the filter as well...
  24. J

    Excel Dosing For Staghorn

    Can I still use a excel to overdose to get rid of staghorn? CO2 running at about 2 bubbles per sec and my pH is 6.0, (a pH of 6.4 gave me 30ppm COs so Im well over 30ppm. Aslo doing EI as in the pinned post. Fish in tank platties, bleeding heart tetras, ottos, corys - and is it safe for...
  25. J


    While searching for info on overdosing Excel found this post. I havent been sure what the algae in my tank is but the pic at the beginning looks very much like mine but I just have the odd tuft and some edges of my swords a bit more infested. Was wondering how you guys got in with getting rid...
  26. J

    Amano Shrimps - Where Did They Go?

    Platty babies ugly?! They are sooo cute. Give them away and buy some fish food for your angels you cheapskate. :) I can see why you might not want to be overrun by platties but seriously... ugly?
  27. J

    Kicking Myself!

    :shout: :shout: :shout: What a stupid thing to do! :shout: :shout: :shout: Today while tending to new plants ready to put in my tank I rested one of my (not yet properly fitted) T5 lights on top of the centre of my jewel hood... for a couple of seconds... 25minutes later I was kind of...
  28. J

    Plecos & Plants

    Thanks for the info guys.
  29. J

    Planted Tank Update 25th Oct

    I love that background, a lovely effect. I wouldn't want to lose the space though. What are those circular holes in it?
  30. J

    My Planted Journal

    That tanks looking fab, Joel. Oh I wish I had space for a really big tank. :P or two.
  31. J

    Plecos & Plants

    I would definitely go for one of the smaller ones. Been in a couple of lfs today,, they had some lovely plecos, but none of the smaller varieties.
  32. J

    Plecos & Plants

    Well didn't mean bury itself :fun: just meant enough to cause problems. I have been thinking of getting one for a while but have held off, one as I didnt want my plants getting damaged and two as I have flourite and wasn't sure whether this is too sharp for them. I could get some more rounded...
  33. J

    Plecos & Plants

    They are gorgeous looking fish. Thanks Jimboo. Don't they bury beneath into your substrate and uproot anything, especially your carpeting plants?
  34. J

    Planted Tank Help

    Something l learnt on here and has worked for me since is, a whole 1 point drop in pH would give you 30ppm CO2. Leave some of your tank water standing for 24 hrs and then test pH. Then you wnat to aim for a 1 point drop pH. e.g if your tank water after standing tested 7.4 you want to aim...
  35. J

    Plecos & Plants

    Does anyone have plecos in their planted tanks. Are they the nuisance they are made out to be with plants? Anyone have any well behaved ones?
  36. J

    Anyone Help With Staghorn Problem?

    Have tried to take some pics of the algae just to check it is staghorn. I couldnt really get close enough to focus on the algae and this is the best I got. If anyone recognises this blur as being staghorn, please could you confirm for me. Cheers.
  37. J

    Keeping Plant Secure

    Try planting the ends of the stems at angle into your substrate. Have you get any busy little fish that could be uprooting your plants? Also my cabomba gets blown about a lot from the filter outlet.
  38. J

    Anyone Help With Staghorn Problem?

    Its running at about 1 1/2 bubbles per sec which gives me about 30ppm. I could try but I dont think my pH should go much lower (6.4)
  39. J

    Anyone Help With Staghorn Problem?

    I meant a break during the day. My little fishies need more than 4 hrs beauty sleep. :) \i'll set the co2 to stay on during the day then. Thanks.