Anyone Help With Staghorn Problem?


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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Finding somewhere in my area that would fill my CO2 bottle was unbelievably difficult.
Anyway my tank has had no Co2 for about 2 weeks.

I reduced the lighting but this staghorn algae has begun to grow around the edges of my swords.
I have a week off and was going to get some carpeting plants but I dont want these covered in algae before they have a chance to get going.

Does anyone have any advice?
You could try Seachem Flourish Excel .
Flourish Excelâ„¢ is a source of bioavailable organic carbon. All plants require a source of carbon. This is typically obtained from CO2, but, may also be derived from simple organic compounds (such as photosynthetic intermediates). Therefore, one can derive a substantial benefit with the use of Flourish Excelâ„¢ either alone or in conjunction with CO2 injection. Flourish Excelâ„¢ also has iron reducing properties which promote the ferrous state of iron (Fe+2), which is more easily utilized by plants than ferric iron (Fe+3).
Could help in the mean time until you get your CO2 refilled.
Thanks Radar

I have co2 now, its been in almost a week, but just noticed the staghorn.

Was wondering whether if I just leave it it will go away now I have Co2, or if i try to pull it off will it make it worse, remove the leaves...???
Oh right, you have your CO2 running now. Make sure its stable at 30ppm, clean your filter and do 50% water change. Dont have all your lights on yet. Give it 2 days and then increase the lighting back up.
Oh right, you have your CO2 running now. Make sure its stable at 30ppm, clean your filter and do 50% water change. Dont have all your lights on yet. Give it 2 days and then increase the lighting back up.

Cheers radar

i was also wondering about leaving co2 on during siesta.
i have about a 4hr siesta but the co2 goes off same time as lights, would this help keep co2 more stable (as its probably still quite light during day).
By 4hr siesta do you mean you let the lights have a break and switch them off during the day or that they have only 4 hours of night time?
If its a break during the day then keep the Co2 running.
If you mean at night then decrease the bubble rate slightly.
By 4hr siesta do you mean you let the lights have a break and switch them off during the day or that they have only 4 hours of night time?
If its a break during the day then keep the Co2 running.
If you mean at night then decrease the bubble rate slightly.

I meant a break during the day.
My little fishies need more than 4 hrs beauty sleep. :)

\i'll set the co2 to stay on during the day then. Thanks.
Staghorn is often associated with overfeeding fish or/and not cleaning tank or filter often enough. In your case I'd say it was probably down to lack of CO2 as well. Are you sure it is staghorn and not BBA. The algae won't go by itself but will need cutting out or scrubbing as much as poss followed by a large water change. Take a look at my algae guide in my sig for more details. Any particular reason you are doing a siesta? Makes no difference where algae is concerned. People used to recommened it before the days of pressurized CO2 became popular as the light break would enable the CO2 levels to rise again in the tank. If you've got pressurized CO2 then it makes no difference.
I have a nightmare infestation of staghorn in my nano, advice on getting rid of it seems to be thin on the ground. As suggested I think I got mine after the CO2 fluctuated. As to soloutions, I've tried excel overdose, no effect. If you find a way let me know! And I dont over feed my fish either, far from it! I hoping to get a UV sterliser, that might at least stop it spreading to the rest of the tank.

I'm hoping that given time the plants will rid me of it, but time will tell.

BTW I'd leave the CO2 on during the seista if it were me.

Its running at about 1 1/2 bubbles per sec which gives me about 30ppm.

I could try but I dont think my pH should go much lower (6.4)
Its running at about 1 1/2 bubbles per sec which gives me about 30ppm.

I could try but I dont think my pH should go much lower (6.4)

Depends on what fish you have. Most would be fine with it being a bit lower so long as it doesnt drop dramatically.
Make sure you are dosing enough macro nutrients, nitrate, phosphate, staghorn can be an indicator that your plants are being underfertilised with macros, it can also be an issue with CO2, as as my understanding.

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