Excel Dosing For Staghorn


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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Can I still use a excel to overdose to get rid of staghorn?

CO2 running at about 2 bubbles per sec and my pH is 6.0, (a pH of 6.4 gave me 30ppm COs so Im well over 30ppm.

Aslo doing EI as in the pinned post.
Fish in tank platties, bleeding heart tetras, ottos, corys - and is it safe for these fish? Thanks
Staghorn is easily removed by hand or manually, the excel will only help remedy the staghorn algae if you had carbon deficiency by running your CO2 too low, i dont think the addition of excel will help otherwise, the algae will reappear if you dont balance the tank correctly, double check you are dosing enough macros in particular, NPK and CO2.
I dont think I could up my CO2.
Nitrates usually between 10-20.
Phosphate between 1-2.
No signs of K deficiency on plants.

I think the staghorn appeared because I had no CO2 for a fortnight but now its there I cant seem to get rid of it.
A few people have suggested cleaning the filter as well, but Im not entirely sure what they mean by this.
I have a eheim 2026. I change the filter wool and thats about it. Ive given the top layer of filter mediaa quick rinse with tank water once. I know there is loads of crap at the bottom of the filter but isnt that where all the good stuff is. The tanks been set up about 3 months, I dont want to upset things too soon.
Ok today I did 60% WC, took off every leaf Where I could see the staghorn. Cleaned filter a little ie rinsed pads & media in tank water. When tank was 1/2 empty i dosed the Excel, 2x dose.Filled tank back up, turned CO2 back on and dosed EI ferts.
Update after a few days on state of stagorn.

Well Im happy to say something i did worked as after about 5 days staghorn had turned pale and sort of fluffy and I am now staghornless! :yahoo:
Lucky sod!! I did the excel thing for weeks and it didnt do a single thing to my dam staghorn!


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