Hair Net Emergency


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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After a bit of a move around yesterday, found 2 platties stuck in the hairnet over my riccia (which has caused no problems till I moved things about).

Anyway freed them this morning in the dim light. But returned home tonight & discovered with the tank lights on that I have left some hairnet on them and it seems to be stuck in their gills and soome scales rubbed off. With the stress of this both fish have quickly developed fungus or finrot.

Can anyone give me any advice on removing this stuff? I dont want to pull it and hurt them more.
It's very difficult to do- your best bet is to either get them on their side in shallow water or anesthetize (however you spell it) them to do it. You'll first need an idea of how it's stuck- this will save a lot of stress as it should mean you can work out the best places to cut. Ideally use nail scissors or a pair of a similar size- you want something sharp to cut through quickly. Don't worry too much about not injuring them- the longer it's left on the worst it will be, and a slight cut is much easier to cure than possible breathing problems- but obviouslly, still be careful.
thanks oohfeeshy.
What to use to anethetise? I have used clove oil to euthanise before, would a drop or two just anethetise?

Managed to save one of them, I could pull the net away eventually and she came back round. Put her in hospital tank with some melafix.

The other one was just too tightly wrapped in it so I put more clove oil in to make sure she didnt wake up. Sorry I put the stupid stuff in the tank. Anyone got a better way to hold down riccia??? RIP young platty!

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