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  1. Paradise_2

    Sad Day

    I had a lucky escape because i had turned my heater off during a water change and once had done i forgot to put it back on, this was three days ago and this morning i realised it was off when i went to insert a plant back into the substrate when my hand nearly froze :crazy: luckily the fish...
  2. Paradise_2

    New Ryukin

    Coool i want one. what colours do they come as?
  3. Paradise_2

    Goldfish Changing Colour

    mine went white and i fed them practically everything, my aunty used to feed hers pickled onion monster munch
  4. Paradise_2

    What Fish Do You Think This Is?

    most crucians are infertile anyways
  5. Paradise_2

    Snails, Leave Them Or Get Rid Of Them

    so my apple snails arent a problem then but i also found a ramshorn snail which i took out because i know they are a problem
  6. Paradise_2

    My 40l Empty Tank

    Either way i think i will still get one anyway as the variations i have seen look like a common goldfish but with the bubble eyes, i think they are a unique variation of the telescope goldfish
  7. Paradise_2

    Snails, Leave Them Or Get Rid Of Them

    i have found a couple af golden apple snails in my tank. Are these pests or not because some LFS's sell them??
  8. Paradise_2

    My 40l Empty Tank

    Oh yea its not a betta its a bubble eye goldfish i want :blush:
  9. Paradise_2

    My 40l Empty Tank

    i have taken back the koi and now i have been looking at getting a betta. What do you guys think i shud do?
  10. Paradise_2


    peppered corys are so cute :hyper: so are the bronze and the albino variations. :good:
  11. Paradise_2

    Miniature Koi

    I bought a Miniature koi for my 40l tank and i was wondering if there are any dietary requirements for them as it has rejected flake food and pellets please help!!!
  12. Paradise_2

    Who's Fault Is It?

    I reckon it is a bit of both but more towards the shop because the tank should have at least mentioned that it was a marine setup and the store rep shouldve asked what setup they had also they should have asked what kind of fish they wanted.
  13. Paradise_2

    My New Tank

    Does water chemistry really matter because to me it doesnt. My fish are fine, my tetras eggs hatched yesterday giving me 12 more :blink: so my water must be adequate
  14. Paradise_2

    2 1/2 Gal. What To Do?

    why dont u just get a fancy goldfish or shibumpkin of summat like tht ive had both species for 3 years and they are at only 4"
  15. Paradise_2

    Will My Cat Terrorise My Fish To Death?

    well when i had goldfish in my 40 litre tank my cat missy(name + nature) was always knocking the feeding flap off of the tank and pawing at the fish, so when i bought my new tank my brother(the moron) agreed to put the tank and goldfish in his room, so now my fish are now permanently undettered...
  16. Paradise_2

    2 1/2 Gal. What To Do?

    try a large paradise fish or a piranha summat vicious if its gonna b alone
  17. Paradise_2


    well ive seen some 2-3" discuse for around 15 - 20 pounds or i can get a 6" pearl blue discus for 40 pounds so quite cheap over here really and thnx 4 tht any type u wud reccomend? well i have seen none of them over here and i have been literally everywhere
  18. Paradise_2


    thts a kinda weird name because u dont have a dead fish store do u
  19. Paradise_2


    and i was just wonderin what LFS is?
  20. Paradise_2


    i have no price range if i still didnt live at home id buy a 100 gal or bigger and its not a matter of need its a matter of want really.
  21. Paradise_2


    i am hoping to buy a discus within the next two weeks and i want to know how much 1 will cost and how large it will grow and will it be compatible in my tank? please help ASAP!!
  22. Paradise_2

    Stocking An Oddball Tank

    you may think i am lying but one of my uncles in australia has 3 pacus in his tank but the amazing thing is that the tank is 4,500 gallon, he has a full room devoted to that tank!!
  23. Paradise_2


    how big would an average plec grow?
  24. Paradise_2

    I.d This Fish !

    i dont know much but the first looks like a platy or molly n the second is deffo a swordtail
  25. Paradise_2

    My New Tank

    As for the water parameters, pH, KH, nitrogen and phosphorus aren't the things you should be concerned about. What are your readings for ammonia and nitrite? Those are both toxic and neons are not good in a cycling tank. Did you do a fishless cycle in the 3 weeks you had the tank before you...
  26. Paradise_2

    My New Tank

    well yea ive had mi tank 4 about a month and the fish in 4 a week the PH, KH, nitrogen and phosphorous levels are fine (for now) lol and my paradise fish came from a tank with red fin tetra in and they are a lot smaller than a neon as ive found out (one died because it got stuck in the filter)...
  27. Paradise_2

    My Best Fish

    My biggest fish was a 53lb 4oz mirror carp and a 240lb sturgeon i caught when i went with mi grandad last summer.
  28. Paradise_2

    My New Tank

    i was thinking about getting a clown loach or maybe a glass catfish
  29. Paradise_2


    yea id drink if the fish can live in it i can drink it
  30. Paradise_2

    My New Tank

    any type of tetras in particular? cos i have no idea what an otto is.
  31. Paradise_2

    My New Tank

    hi, i have just bought a small 60 litre tropical tank, i have 5 neons and 2 paradise fish, do you have any ideas what i can put in next, plus i have no plants or decor, any ideas accepted. :good: