2 1/2 Gal. What To Do?

For 2.5 gallons, a betta is all you can have. Anything else will be overstocked and too cramped.

I disagree, many fish under 4cm would be ok. Dwarf pensil fish or other small characins would be ok, as would small livebearers.

However, none of these are what I would have, I prefer having a few different types of small snail amd very heavily planted. I have a 3gal with a tiny heater and filter, sand, a light and thats it for tech, but a bet my plants are more healthy and vibrant than in a high tech. Have a look on ebay or snailshop.co.uk for some small suitable snails.
I guess we'll just have to disagree on this one as I don't feel 2.5 gallons is enough for anything more than a single fish especially when he said the tank would not be filtered or heated. There's a big difference in filtered and unfiltered.

I dont want to put a heater or a filter in it, because it would take up too much room and its not worth the money.
I have to say, i've heard alot of mixed opinions about putting a beta in anything less than a 5 gal. I wouldnt mind a beta at all, but dont they need a heater? my room gets quite cold when there's no one home, because my parents turn down the heat (to save money). let me measure the water temp.................... Right now it's reading 69 F. and my room is 59 F. the room the tank is in almost never drops below 59 F.
I have to say, i've heard alot of mixed opinions about putting a beta in anything less than a 5 gal. I wouldnt mind a beta at all, but dont they need a heater? my room gets quite cold when there's no one home, because my parents turn down the heat (to save money). let me measure the water temp.................... Right now it's reading 69 F. and my room is 59 F. the room the tank is in almost never drops below 59 F.
In that case, no, a betta isn't a good choice either as they don't necessarily have to have a heater but do need a temp of 75 to low 80s. Unfortunately, I can't think of any fish that is suitable for a 2.5 gallon, unheated and unfiltered tank. Sorry. Maybe someone can come up with something.
why dont u just get a fancy goldfish or shibumpkin of summat like tht ive had both species for 3 years and they are at only 4"

Reading through your other posts, it would be nice if you held off commenting until you could input something correct and constructive...
why dont u just get a fancy goldfish or shibumpkin of summat like tht ive had both species for 3 years and they are at only 4"
Goldfish should be in a FILTERED tank of at least 20 gallons. They are extremely messy and without a filter, would need daily 100% water changes as the ammonia build up in 24 hours would be large. They can grow to well over a foot long and live up to 50 years. Yours on the other hand, at only 4", has had his growth stunted by the small tank and will not come close to living a full life.
I've kept a couple each of neons & white clouds, and a cory, in a 3 gallon with a bio-wheel filter for a couple years with no problems or stress on the fish, and no disease problems. That might be considered overstocked by some, but the fish sure don't seem to mind! I've had to relocate the cories to larger tanks once or twice as they got beyond 1.5 - 2 inches, but other than that no problems.

Edit - but the tank is heated and filtered - I'd definitely advise a filter even if you go with cold water fish.
If you can't be botherd to buy a heater/filter there is really no options apart from what thingy mentiond (sorry forgot name lol) about a marine tank.
Unless you want to keep some small snails and plants, you can't really do much in 2.5 gallons without investing in a small heater and filter as rdd1952 has stated.

You can buy compact heaters and filters, even make your own small sponge filter.

With a heater, you could keep a betta (but they benefit from filtration as well). With a filter, you could keep a few small coldwater fish like white clouds. With both, you could keep a small shoal of microrasbora, algae shrimp or various other tiny fish. If you went with a heater and a small powerhead, you could do a saltwater pico live rock tank as andy suggested. No matter what you go with, it will require regular maintainence as things go wrong much more quickly in smaller volumes of water.
im gonna have to repeat the recomendation of a betta. they do very well in a 2.5 gallon tank and you can find a cheep heater for it that wont take up much space. i have managed to find small heaters for tanks that are 2.5 gallons for $6. aside from tat i too do not see much other option unless you get both filter and heater.
I guess we'll just have to disagree on this one as I don't feel 2.5 gallons is enough for anything more than a single fish especially when he said the tank would not be filtered or heated. There's a big difference in filtered and unfiltered.

Sorry, I assumed the tank would be filtered and heated. This would be an unacceptable way of keeping fish.

However, I would get a light for the tank and plant it with hardy coldwater plants and keep ramshorn snails in it, thats about your option if its not going to be heated or filtered. Water changes need to be done every 3 days.
I keep my betta in an unfiltered but heated 2.5 gallon, and just do 100% water changes.

Dont know why you dont just do this?
As others have said, the betta would be best if you decide to add a small heater (can find them as cheap as $6 at walmart..and they take up very little room)
I think i'm going to get a beta and get a small heater. My girlfriend has the same tank, she's going to do the same.

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