Goldfish Changing Colour


Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2006
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:blush: hi everybody i havent been on for a while,i need to ask this question do goldfish change colour?as my friend has two goldfish and over the past week one of them as turned white.she as had them now for about six months,changes the water often and they look heathly.i just find it very strange i have never known this to happen. :unsure:
Post in the coldwater section.
Need a better diet of frozen foods and veg.
Need more info on size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Need a better diet of frozen foods and veg.
Need more info on size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.

the size of her tank is too small for the fish its only a 5 gallon and they are the only fish she has.she changes it every other day and i have the testing kit so i check them for her.
ammonia 0
nitrate 25
nitrite 0
i will tell her to give them a better diet.
That tank is way to small first goldifish alone needs a 20 gallons and then 10 gallon for every other goldfish added.
Massive waste producers and need excellent filters.
What type of goldfish are they as I would rehome them to a pond.
i have told her to get a bigger tank and she is going to get one very soon.i am unsure which ones they are but to me they look as if if they were to go in a bigger tank they would grow quite large.thanks for your advice i will pass it on to her.lets hope she takes note of it lol.
It is normal to change color. Must get a big tank before they get stunned if they arent.
i have a friend who has the same thing going on with her two golds. one of them went from grey/silver to white to pale orange, and now back to white. unfortunetly she keeps them(both atleast 4-5 inches long) in a 10 gallon with a decent sized cae. iv told her several times to get rid of both of the cae she has, and to either get her two golds a bigger tank or give them away or they would be stunted. she said that she didnt care, and that they would stay where they are.... all with a staight face looking me directly in the eye the entire time i was trying to explain it to her. some people just dont get it or even care about what thier fish need unfortunetly. i hope your friend listens to you sooner rather than later.

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