I.d This Fish !


Feb 28, 2007
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Yarnton, Oxford


Now i think the second one is a Male Swordtail

And the first one a Female Swordtail but my neighbour who gave them to my dad says the first is a mollie ?

my dad has two Male swordtails so i'm thinking i'll take one for my tank and get some females and my dad should get anoter 2 more females ?

would that sound about right ?
No their defo swordtails.

Male swords can get very territorial and need largeish tanks if you keeping many fish, but getting a coule more females will help and the males will concentrate on them and not each other.
they are swordtails Xiphophorous helleri
the colour form is called pineapple
First looks like a female Pineapple sowrdtail and the second looks like a red sword tail... Hope that helps...
For the third time ;)

Pineapple swords. Though I'm not 100% on the type a there is so many color variations. They are both definitely swordtails! If you look at the "anal" fin (it has another name but don' remember it) on the first one, its hard to tell if it's a female. females will be fanned, males will be pointed. Also, it could be light trickery, but the first pic looks like the anal point was eaten off and is regrowing. Finrot or tail/fin nippers tends to attack that first. Whatever it was is growing back.

Again, the pic quality isn't all that good, looks like swordtails, that I know, sexing them accurately will be based on you as you are in person. If there is no growth to the tail like it may seem, and their is a point, than it is a male platy as platies don't grow the "sword"
just to reiterate, at first glance i instantly thought female and male swordtail, they both are swordtails :)

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