2 1/2 Gal. What To Do?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Attleboro, Ma
Ok, so i just bought a 2 1/2 gallon tank. I was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas as to what i should put in it. I dont want to put a heater or a filter in it, because it would take up too much room and its not worth the money. Anybody wanna help?
Ok, so i just bought a 2 1/2 gallon tank. I was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas as to what i should put in it. I dont want to put a heater or a filter in it, because it would take up too much room and its not worth the money. Anybody wanna help?

I would say that a betta is probably about the only option you have. You might be able to heavily plant it and keep a few shrimp. I'm not exactly sure though if the shrimp need tropical temps or not.

If it's indoors, try a marine pico tank. Could get a hermit and a soft coral maybe in there.

How hard is it to mantain a marine pico? I'm real interested in that. I've always heard it was more for the experienced fishkeepers though. Your thoughts?
It's as hard as you make it.

You would have to top off with water once a day to keep the salinity right, but you could go for just a live rock tank, leave it in natural light and watch all the hitch hiker life that comes in (like sponges and smaller invertebrates). this would be easy, far from taxing and certainl surprise newcomers to marine at just how much tiny life is in a tank.

A hermit or two should be ok, but putting a fish in would add quite a high bioload and probably cause problems. Live Rock would only cost about £10-15 on a small tank and then you just need a powerhead and some substrate.

You could probably go some low light corals with a small desk lamp.

So many people view the SW side of the hobby as harder or more taxing, but I spend less time on maintenance on (and more time watching) my SW tanks than my FW.
For 2.5 gallons, a betta is all you can have. Anything else will be overstocked and too cramped.
For 2.5 gallons, a betta is all you can have. Anything else will be overstocked and too cramped.
I think there are a number of pico tanks keepers (both SW and FW planted) who might disagree with this blanket statement. :rolleyes:
I'm not familiar with pico tanks so I stand corrected but can a pico tank function without heater and filter as he mentioned? Maybe I should have said in his particular case.

I dont want to put a heater or a filter in it, because it would take up too much room and its not worth the money.
A pico reef would need a heater and powerhead though. On the freshwater side, dwarf livebearers would also work.
mountain minnows? they can be kept at quite low temps but i dont think the tanks big enough saying that there are places that sell 2" squares for minnows *shrugs*
For 2.5 gallons, a betta is all you can have. Anything else will be overstocked and too cramped.

I disagree, many fish under 4cm would be ok. Dwarf pensil fish or other small characins would be ok, as would small livebearers.

However, none of these are what I would have, I prefer having a few different types of small snail amd very heavily planted. I have a 3gal with a tiny heater and filter, sand, a light and thats it for tech, but a bet my plants are more healthy and vibrant than in a high tech. Have a look on ebay or snailshop.co.uk for some small suitable snails.

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