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  1. J

    Parron Shark?

    Anyone on hear have one? I would like to know personal Preferences with this fish. I have read everything i could find on them but theres not much out there to read about in the aquarium. ( i know because they get so big and its hrd to house them later on )
  2. J

    Is it OK to put coral in a brackish tank

    yes dead coral and thanks :)
  3. J

    Is it OK to put coral in a brackish tank

    just wanting to know?
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    Well Water

    kool those are the only 2 places i go and i do go to ozzie he is good but i do like roys better but like you said they are curently rebuilding. Thanks for the help
  5. J

    Well Water

    Thanks Undawada i will test for those (gotta bujy the test kit though first lol) i am actually live in yarker which is closer to napanee ( just past odessa) kool to find some on here close to me thanks for the help. Recomend any fish stores around the one in napanee is pretty small
  6. J

    Well Water

    so what should i be testing for PH and hardness? How do i test hardness and what is a good hardness PH is 8.0 Anything else i should test?
  7. J

    Well Water

    I also have a water softner to (if that makes any difference)
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    Well Water

    I curently live in a house with the water supply from a well. I ahve a 135 Gallon aquarium so getting city water is out of the question. Im just wondering if well water is fine? any info would be great. ps I have tested it for nitrates and nitrites and is fine.
  9. J

    Parron Shark?

    I know they get big but does any one know where i can see pictures of them in a aquarium. I got some info on planet catfish but would like some more info or even a few pictures from a home aquarium
  10. J

    Somthing more exotic

    CFC 1st pic is the one i like most might do some research on them and look into it . not sure if i could find them here in Canada though Also Michael i never made the tank but did install it in the wall myself. thanks
  11. J

    Somthing more exotic

    getting off topic :D any ideas :thumbs:
  12. J

    Somthing more exotic

    thanks for backing me up guys/gals . Michael you need to chill out a bit. My current fish will be split up into one of my other 2 tanks 33and 20 galllon and the others will be given to a family member. Still looking for ideas!!!!!!
  13. J

    Somthing more exotic

    I have a 135 gallon tank which is a comunity with gouramis ID shark tin barbs etc. I am looking to get rid of those fish and start someting more exotic but am unsure what i want. I like sharks, Is there some kind of fresh water shark that gets a good size other then ID, columbian, bala, rtbs...
  14. J

    How long will an ID shark live?

  15. J

    Switching to salt water

    Ok where to start? I have a 135 gallon fresh water setup now running a magnum 350 and eheim 2217, 2 submersible 300 and 200 watt heaters, 4 aqua glo 4 ft bulbs 40weach. Is my equipment suitable for salt water? What else will i need. Ive read the pinned articles but am unsure of some things...
  16. J

    How long will an ID shark live?

    i had one that was 8 yrs old just wondering how long they live?
  17. J

    What would be the best clean up crew?

    :rofl: besides me.
  18. J

    What would be the best clean up crew?

    Just wondering what would be the best clean up crew you could put in a tank? I have a common plec and a chinese algae eater which dont be seeming to do the job. What could i get to help clean the bottom ottos? corries?.........
  19. J

    How do you pernounce Cichlids

    is it sick-lids? just wondering i know they are very popular and dont want to sound like an idiot saying the word wrong
  20. J

    Black sand or Light sand

    Black without a doubt. I have had both and black really brings the color of everything out in your tank. :kana: Black Black black or maybe white. No just kiddin black is the way to go
  21. J

    Large aquariums

    i use a garden hose from my basement sink Thanx sylvia
  22. J

    Magnum 350

    the magnum 350 is a secondary filter the main is an eheim (for the benificial bacteria)i got the 350 so the water would stay nice and clear
  23. J

    Magnum 350

    Whats the best way to clean the micron filter on a magnum 350? Is it ok to use that filter all the time or should i only use it when needed. example.....when i first got the magnum 350 i used the micron filter and the next day water was crystal clear. so i then used the carbon basket and sleeve...
  24. J

    Whats the best way to clean the miron filter?

    Whats the best way to clean the micron filter on a magnum 350? Is it ok to use that filter all the time or should i only use it when needed. example.....when i first got the magnum 350 i used the micron filter and the next day water was crystal clear. so i then used the carbon basket and sleeve...
  25. J

    ID Shark

    kool!! thanx
  26. J

    ID Shark

  27. J

    ID Shark

    What could i feed a 16 inch id shark that he would really love ?
  28. J

    Anyway of lowering nitrite?

    Any info would be great !!!!!
  29. J

    Anyway of lowering nitrite?

    Well i have a bit of a problem i recently did a water change (sunday ) and today i notice some of the fish going to the top for air. So icheck my water levels Amonium 0, Nitrite 0.8-1.6 and nitrate 110. So i plan on doing a water change but then remember just doing one so i test my tap water...
  30. J

    Can you put salt in the tank with an ID Shark

    Just wondering if it does them any harm to add some salt to the Tank?
  31. J


    i have kept other sharks with RTBS (check sig) but not Bala sharks. Ive had no real problems with them being to aggresive as they seem to have a pecking order. The RTBS was also the first one in the tank for some time so the territory was his, and when adding the other sharks there was no...
  32. J

    snails, and aggressive shark

    Yes give the rtbs time to establish his territory, once that is done he should calm down (or at least the others will stay away from his territory) i had the same problem with my RTBS and Tin foil Barbs, who have since doubled the size of the RTBS, but he still remains the king of the tank...
  33. J

    Bala Sharks

    no i dont think you need anymore(tank is already pretty crowded) I had four of them and they always were together. They can grow to almost a foot long. IMO
  34. J

    Fish Food

    what kind of nutrients do I look for on the label? What should be in it ?( i have no idea) :-(
  35. J

    Fish Food

    Does it really matter which kind of fish food to use? I have been recentlybuying bulk fish food from the lfs and am wondering if i should buy a more expensive food? Does it make a difference? Could be me but since i have bought(or around the time) a staple food from Big Als (not trying to bash...
  36. J

    Breeding Fancy guppy with regular

    Thanks fishguy18! i will keep them separate, thats what i wanted to know.
  37. J

    Breeding Fancy guppy with regular

    I was just wondering if it is ok to breed fancy guppy with regular guppies? And what will the end result be? Can this be a problem? will they turn out as regular guppies? (im hoping for fancy)
  38. J

    What would happen if i change my gravle to sand?

    check this out
  39. J


    Well it could be algea it is a lil greenish looking. My lighting is 2 40 watt aqua glo bulbs (48 inches) in 2 different shop lights so it extends to my 6 ft tank. and i leave them on for 11 hours a day.
  40. J


    Well Ive done yet another water change(its the only thing i can think to do)it makes it so you cant see the back of the tank :no: anyone else have any suggestions??? :thumbs: