Well Water


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Kingston Ontario Canada
I curently live in a house with the water supply from a well. I ahve a 135 Gallon aquarium so getting city water is out of the question. Im just wondering if well water is fine? any info would be great.

ps I have tested it for nitrates and nitrites and is fine.
When I lived with my parents, we had well water. It was "hard". It would leave calcium buildup on EVERYTHING. I'd say you need to check the minerals in it.
It depends on the well. Like city water, the source can have quite a number of things in it.
Our water is supplied by a well and is actually better than the city water :p
It all depends on the individual water source, though. Chances are it's fine, but you might want to test the pH.
It depends on the well, personally I'd much rather use well water than city water.
The house I live at uses a well, and I prefer it much more over city water, number one, because it tastes better, and number two, you never have to add de chlorinator or worry about strange chemicals in it. Only disadvantage is its quite hard and very high in the pH, but not too much alkalinity (strange). It's perfect for African cichlids though, they love it.
And ditto on the water softeners. Water softeners for household use replace the calcium in the water with sodium, making it much more useful for cleaning dish's with soap, but leaves the same osmotic pressure in the water. It doesn't make the water soft in the same sense as in the aquarium.
IME Well water is almost universally better than city water. Think of the money you'll save in dechlorinator.

As for the hardness problem, just take extra care acclimating your new fish, most species will adapt. The only time you need worry is for certain south american species, discus etc. You could make a smashing african cichlid tank, or an asian tank with barbs and loaches.
My parents well water after the filter system they have is awesome.

PH of about 6.5 and very soft. Awesome water for fish keeping.
so what should i be testing for PH and hardness?
How do i test hardness and what is a good hardness
PH is 8.0
Anything else i should test?
Test for GH and KH to determine hardness. More details about what they mean in this thread.

You live in Kingston, I am from Napanee, so I know your water type. It will likely have a high KH and GH due to the limestone bedrock (calcium carbonate). You might also check for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate out of the tap. Nitrate is very common to have out of tap. Ammonia and Nitrite less so, but if it's present you will want to know.
Thanks Undawada i will test for those (gotta bujy the test kit though first lol) i am actually live in yarker which is closer to napanee ( just past odessa) kool to find some on here close to me thanks for the help. Recomend any fish stores around the one in napanee is pretty small
in Kingston Roy's pet shop was the best. It burned down recently, and I haven't heard if they're rebuilding.

Second would probably be Pet Paradise on Bath Road near the old Walmart. If you are in Pet Paradise ask for Ozzie, he knows his stuff.
kool those are the only 2 places i go and i do go to ozzie he is good but i do like roys better but like you said they are curently rebuilding. Thanks for the help

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