Somthing more exotic


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Kingston Ontario Canada
I have a 135 gallon tank which is a comunity with gouramis ID shark tin barbs etc. I am looking to get rid of those fish and start someting more exotic but am unsure what i want. I like sharks, Is there some kind of fresh water shark that gets a good size other then ID, columbian, bala, rtbs. Something more unique. The tank is built in the wall and kinda the centre peice of my basement and i want something really cool in it besides a comunity tank. Without going to salt water. pictures or info with any suggestions would be great

thank yall
Check out some of the fish in the oddball section , you might like the look of them... I really don't know of a freshwater shark :/
what is the point in fishkeeping if u want to get rid of your fish, people like u shouldnt be allowed to keep fish
-*-MicHAeL-*- said:
what is the point in fishkeeping if u want to get rid of your fish, people like u shouldnt be allowed to keep fish

Interests change, preferences change.

I've changed out my tanks a couple of times. No harm - the fish always go back to the excellent fish store that I got them from in the first place.

It's not like I flushed 'em or trashed 'em!
-*-MicHAeL-*- said:
what is the point in fishkeeping if u want to get rid of your fish, people like u shouldnt be allowed to keep fish
Thats not a very nice thing to say, and to be honest a very rude thing to say.

people move on in the hobby and want to keep more exsotic things as time goes on. Although people say get rid, as long as it rehoming and not killing get rid there nothing wrong with that at all.

On what you could do with the tank Joey, what about Polypterus senagalus.

I'd love to have room for one.
-*-MicHAeL-*- said:
what is the point in fishkeeping if u want to get rid of your fish, people like u shouldnt be allowed to keep fish
Harsh, geez. I could understand it if he was just going flush the fish but if you just rehome then no harm done. The only exotic fish I know in my area is the ghost knife I personally they are cool looking especially when they swim. :D
I would suggest that you look into getting some sort of cichlids for your tank.

And I don't see any harm in him switching fish, fish can live for a very long time so I can understand how and why someone would want to change things up a bit.
Sometimes you get a fish based on what other people have said about since you have never had it before, but turn out not liking it as much as you thought you would. Other times you become aware of other types of fish you could keep that are more interesting than what you have, or you whole feelings change. I used to love angels as a kid, but when I was trying to decide what type of fish I wanted when I set up my tank again I found they just didn't do it for me like they used to look wise. :/ It happens.
thanks for backing me up guys/gals . Michael you need to chill out a bit. My current fish will be split up into one of my other 2 tanks 33and 20 galllon and the others will be given to a family member. Still looking for ideas!!!!!!
-*-MicHAeL-*- said:
what is the point in fishkeeping if u want to get rid of your fish, people like u shouldnt be allowed to keep fish
I agree. When you buy a fish your supposed to take care of not take it back to the pet store when you get bored with it. I got bored with my mollies alot but if I got rid of them I wouldnt have seen the baby mollies. And if you want something more exotic then get another tank.
I think it was just the wording "get rid of" that set people off. I'm sure you didnt mean it like this, but it came off like you were disregarding them. I'm sure Joey will find good homes for his fish.

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