Large aquariums


Fish Herder
Nov 1, 2004
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How does everyone manage 25% water changes on tanks 75g and over? The pumping out of the water is no problem as gravity is on your side. When putting water back in, I've tried a small submersible pump but after about 4g it gives up and the water comes back out. :S I've got a python but how can I get that amount of clean water above the level of the tank water. Am I being thick or does everyone resort to the jug method? Any secrets out there that you're willing to share about big water changes? :hey:
I just make sure that when I position a tank there's a book shelf or something similar beside it so I can still just syphon water back in using gravity :p I know that's kind of not what you were asking for but that's my resolution :D Oh but I often don't have the time or patience to wait for all the water to be syphoned out so I just empty the bucket right into the tank - obviously that can be realy tiring and often painful if changing a large precentage of a large tank involves carrying around 5 buckets full of water and trying to empty them into the tank without disturbing the subtrate too much but... well anyone have a brighter idea? :p
You mean a garden hose? :p I guess you can do that and add de-chlorinator at the same time provided the temp of the water is ok and provided you let it run a while first to get rid of any dirt inside the hose.
I just use a Python to empty and refill... works for me. Water changes take all of 10 minutes.
I have adapted my power shower to fill my 55,62 and 72 gall tanks

I brought an new shower hose, cut off one end. used a std garden hose conector to conect the shower hose to the garden hose.

now all I do is attach the shower hose to the shower and hey presto, temp controlled water re-fills.
When I was working at my LFS, we just used a giant vat with treated water to do changes on all the tanks. Ranging from 10g to 150g. All told, there is probably 1600g+ for just the freshwater. Saltwater was the same way, only with a smaller vat. Outside of that, I just use 5 gallon bottles to change my 30 gallons. I'll probably do the same when I get my 100 gallon tank, it'll just take longer. :p
Thanks guys, but I still don't get how, if you use a python, you can get it to refill your tank from the ground. Ok you could stand the bucket of clean water on a step ladder or something, but if you're replacing 25% of 90g thats 20g plus, I have a clean, new dustbin that I fill with conditioned water and heat overnight, then, doh :huh: how to syphon from ground level to tank. Stepladder not strong enough. Guess I'll have to buy a bigger pump or carry on with buckets and jugs. I am growing good muscles in my arms :flex:
glolite said:
Thanks guys, but I still don't get how, if you use a python, you can get it to refill your tank from the ground. Ok you could stand the bucket of clean water on a step ladder or something, but if you're replacing 25% of 90g thats 20g plus, I have a clean, new dustbin that I fill with conditioned water and heat overnight, then, doh :huh: how to syphon from ground level to tank. Stepladder not strong enough. Guess I'll have to buy a bigger pump or carry on with buckets and jugs. I am growing good muscles in my arms :flex:
What do you mean from the ground? :dunno:
syphoned out of the tank into a 30litre "rubber maid" tub, pumped from in ther out of the window into the houses drainage.

then garden hose back in but i pump hot water in aswell.

i once again fill the rubber maid tub with hot water and pump it into the tank, i rubber band the hot and the cold hoses together so they mix, i have ainfra red temp gun so constantly check the temps right then adjust.

takes about 60litres of hot water i suppose so 6 trips and i'm done.
I read that you're not supposed to use water out of the hot water tap because of dissolved minerals & metals in the hot water tank. But the water that comes out of my cold water tap is freezing cold in the winter, fairly cool/cold in summer so I have to put it aside to warm up. If I tried to put that into my tank without leaving it for a day to warm up my fish would be down with stress-related ich within days. :crazy:

So I've got 7 - 2.5 gal buckets strategically placed under tables etc. around the livingroom with water ready to go. Consider it part of the decor. But I still have to use a jug to get the water into the tank.

sylvia's idea of cleverly positioning the tank beside a bookcase is brilliant, and one I'm going to make sure I adopt when we redo the livingroom. :kana:

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