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  1. J

    Mixing Anemones

    can u have more than one type of anemone in the tank. i have an atlantic anemone at min to start me off but would like another eventually. do any type of fish go into an atlantic anemone like a clown or maroon clown as i would like to buy one compatible
  2. J

    What Coming From Polys

    i some polys and today noticed coming from the orange centre like a brown thin thing. can anyone tell me what this is doing
  3. J

    Is Coral Happy

    ro water. not over feeding water change 20-25% every two weeks
  4. J

    Aiming Of Power Heads

    should power heads be aimed at leather corals and polys. i have only just put them both in but not really sure where to position in tank where they will do best
  5. J

    Is Coral Happy

    not sure what called but like fingers on it. s.g 1.024 temp 25. nitrite 0 ammonia 0 nitrates 20, calcium 400, kh 9, phosphates 0.07, ph 8.1.
  6. J

    Is Coral Happy

    i bought my first polyp and leather coral yesterday. i put it in tank and after about an hour the leather extended its polys but today it has opened up ok but extended no polyps out. The polyp coral has opened up fine but not the leather is this normal
  7. J

    Loss Of Power Problem

    cheers. i am going to buy a luminaire 2moz anyway i light needs upgrading and this just gave me kick start to take off hood and sort it out
  8. J

    Loss Of Power Problem

    i came home today to find out the the power switch to tank had melted and fused last night at 12.20 am the one plug controls all my filter , heater and lights. so there has been no filter on for about 17 hours and no lights and temp dropped to about will this affect my bacteria in filter...
  9. J

    Thing On Lr

    cheers chac ill check out those light units. thanks for your help. see ya around.
  10. J

    Thing On Lr

    55 gallon tank and the internal filter does 900l l/h with 2 1200 l/h power heads and 1 900 l/h power head 25 kg live rock at min
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    Thing On Lr

    no its a ferplast cayman. i tried to avoid jewel was told was crap
  12. J

    Thing On Lr

    30 w each . the trouble i have is the hood is built onto tank i could take it off but with it on i can only have the two bulbs in. it has a refector behind if that much makes much difference. i am thinking of some polyps first then after some mushroom coral then sponges and leather if poss
  13. J

    Thing On Lr

    midlands uk. i am pretty new to this so can you help me with a light question. i only have two 3 ft flouresent 1 white and 1 blue 03 actinic is this good enough to support life forms on rock ie polyps or corals and general stuff .thanks
  14. J

    Thing On Lr

    i think you maybe right the cheating B**t**d. he just ripping me off. thanks. I just found some pics of aiptasia and looks like the one. what should i do and what can it do
  15. J

    Thing On Lr

    my LFS told me to. he said that you need to replace the things that are lost. he said calcium and iodide are lost. also that it is good for LR and will make things grow on it better
  16. J

    Thing On Lr

    i have a couple of things growing on LR. one is a round feather looking type about 5mm in diameter when anything goes by it quickly dissapears then come back out like a fan a few seconds earlier. the other is like a orange sort of flower forming with like little tentacles from it about the same...
  17. J


    can anyone tell me about feeding veg matter in a tank. i have put a little bit on a clip inside tank but how long should i leave it in there befor removing it. also i have put in some cockle for my blue star fish and shrimp but it wont take it for a long time how long should this be in before it...
  18. J

    Lighting For Coral And Anemones

    thanks for your help
  19. J

    Lighting For Coral And Anemones

    i have a 6 week old set up which my lfs says is doing fine water condition wise. i was wondering though about my lighting for corals and anemones. i have two flouresent tubes in there one white 30w and one blue 03 actinic. is this suitable for the above to be in the tank and survive well. it has...
  20. J

    Blue Star Fish

    i was told by shop to place bag in water for half an hour then add some off aquarium waterthen leave again for 15 mis then tip some out then add some more for 15 mins then put it in. it has now been inside a gap in live rock for nearly two days i droped a piece of cockle in the rock which i...
  21. J

    Blue Star Fish

    thanks for quick reply. its a 55 gal 230ltr tank. only things in are 2 clowns cleaner shrimp 5 hermt crabs and 2 snails.
  22. J

    Blue Star Fish

    i have just bought a blue star fish but i have no idea what they eat. the man at the shop says dont feed them they are scavengers but is this true and if not what do they eat and how to feed. please
  23. J

    Is Clown Fish Pregnant

    i have had two clown fish in tank for 4 weeks. i have noticed today that 1 is very swelled round belly. i am worried that it is ill or pregnant but im not sure. if it is pregnant what should i do and how long will it be.
  24. J

    Seaclone Skimmers

    too late my wife got me one for christmas she gave it today. i have fitted it on but when the return wter is going back into tank it is causing lots of fine bubbles in the tank is this normal for skimmers. the fish dont seem to mind but will it do them any harm.
  25. J

    Stocking Help

    i have just finished setting up my 230ltr 52 gal tank. it has been running now for about 4 to 5 weeks. all my test results r good and have been told by my LFS that i can now stock it. trouble is would it be advisable to go just fish only for a while and what sort of quantity would i be allowed...
  26. J

    Skimmer Choice

    uk. tank size 1100 x 585 x 485. 230 ltr tank
  27. J

    Seaclone Skimmers

    nice and quick. seaclone skimmers good or crap.
  28. J

    Deltec Skimmer

    can i put a deltec mce 600 in a sump or is this a hang on model only. im not really sure how sumps work. i have a ferplast cayman 110 tank which r a ***** to fit skimmers to as hang on. any ideas please
  29. J

    Skimmer Choice

    can anyone tell me what skimmer is best. i only have 100mm behind my tank so its either a hang on model or i have to have a sump underneath but it would have to be small to fit into a cupboard. im not sure how sumps work or the idea and how would i accomodate a skimmer in this also is there a...
  30. J

    Will Live Rock Have Any Growth On It

    great thank for your help
  31. J

    Will Live Rock Have Any Growth On It

    i have noticed today that there are a couple of what look like worms with spikes crawling out the rock are these ok or should i get them out and how
  32. J

    Will Live Rock Have Any Growth On It

    will my live rock that i just put in tank start to have anything at all grow on it. im not really sure what happens now with live rock
  33. J

    Is My Set Up Now Ok

    ammonia 0.25. nitrite 0.2. p.h 8.2. s.g 1.024. tank size is 1100x585x480 is that all you need. also i have positioned power heads so they are blowing at each other at top and at each other across bottom blowing across rock. the only thing is the fish seem to be blowing around a lot. they seem to...
  34. J

    Is My Set Up Now Ok

    i have now changed my system over to live rock and reading info off forum. i have a 230ltr tank and now have a bio internal filter at 1000 l/h with two 900l/h power heads and one 1200 l/h power head fitted. i have put in 25 kg of live rock with big surface area on all pieces. i still have two...
  35. J

    Help With My New Set Up

    why is that
  36. J

    Help With My New Set Up

    i belive its in my internal filter. both mechanical and biological filtration. sponges on mechanical side with carbon and ceramic and plastic balls on other. does this sound ok
  37. J

    Help With My New Set Up

    so if i have no live rock just ocean rock does this mean that i do not need any other power heads or still need more circulation for fish
  38. J

    Would It Be Advisable To Put In Inverts Yet

    i have a 10 day old marine set up everything seems to be going fine. but i have now started to have algae starting to produce on the surface of the substrate. would it be advisable to put in one or two cleaner crew in there. i have two clowns in at min and my ammonia is 0.25. nitrate 0.1 ph 8.1...