Help With My New Set Up


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2005
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i have a ferplast cayman 230ltr tank with bluwave07 internal bio and mechanical filter at 900l/h . i t has been running now for about a week. i have changed my water about 10% after first week because my ammonia was high and nitirite was rising . it is now ammonia 0.25 nitrite is about 10 and nitrate is reading about 8. do these levels sound ok. do i need to by any more equipment at minute to make things better. thanks
i don't know anything about the
ferplast cayman 230ltr tank with bluwave07 internal bio and mechanical filter at 900l/h
but if your tank is 230liters and you're only pumping 900liters of water through an hour you are going to want more powerheads. most people aim for a minimum of 10x's the volume (230 liters means you want a minimum of 2300 liters per hour). depending on what you want to put in there you may need less (not likely unless you are looking at seahorses) or more. I think i have some where around 15x's, some people go even higher than that. good luck
i have a ferplast cayman 230ltr tank with bluwave07 internal bio and mechanical filter at 900l/h . i t has been running now for about a week. i have changed my water about 10% after first week because my ammonia was high and nitirite was rising . it is now ammonia 0.25 nitrite is about 10 and nitrate is reading about 8. do these levels sound ok. do i need to by any more equipment at minute to make things better. thanks
I also dont know anything about the equipment you already have, but you will need a skimmer and a powerhead or 2 depending on if u want corals or not. The lighting is also important for corals, as they require higher lighting levels. Are the levels ok for what? If you mean life, then u want 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and up to 10, but preferably 0 nitrate. There are no exceptions for ammonia. Do you have live rock? This is essential, as it will make it feel like the ocean to your pets, and will add the bacteria you need to get the ammonia nitrites and nitrates down, and keep them down, but only if you aded fish and corals slowly.
i don't know anything about the
ferplast cayman 230ltr tank with bluwave07 internal bio and mechanical filter at 900l/h
but if your tank is 230liters and you're only pumping 900liters of water through an hour you are going to want more powerheads. most people aim for a minimum of 10x's the volume (230 liters means you want a minimum of 2300 liters per hour). depending on what you want to put in there you may need less (not likely unless you are looking at seahorses) or more. I think i have some where around 15x's, some people go even higher than that. good luck
what power heads do you reccommed and where to position them. also what about skimmers. i have 100mm or 4" behind my tank. which one best to get. thanks
i don't know anything about the
ferplast cayman 230ltr tank with bluwave07 internal bio and mechanical filter at 900l/h
but if your tank is 230liters and you're only pumping 900liters of water through an hour you are going to want more powerheads. most people aim for a minimum of 10x's the volume (230 liters means you want a minimum of 2300 liters per hour). depending on what you want to put in there you may need less (not likely unless you are looking at seahorses) or more. I think i have some where around 15x's, some people go even higher than that. good luck
what power heads do you reccommed and where to position them. also what about skimmers. i have 100mm or 4" behind my tank. which one best to get. thanks

The best powerheads to get are tunze streams but they are very expensive, there are a cheaper version called the seio superflow pump which ar ebrilliant too and very affordable.

The best hang on skimmer is the deltec mce600, around £110 ish 2nd hand on ebay, dont get a cheaper as you will probably wasting your money
As maestro said

Seio Pumps

Excellant Pumps & cheaper than Tunze's
As maestro said

Seio Pumps

Excellant Pumps & cheaper than Tunze's

Yeah, sorry should have put up a link, thanks, just to clarify they are made in singapore and you can order them direct from singapore via that link, many of us have dont that with no problems, its a good store and they work fine on uk voltage but you need tp plug them into a shaving adaptor.

Some online english stores sell them too now, they work out about more than ordering direct from singapore but it might be easier
Come on maestro get yer links up :lol: :lol: :lol:

UK Seio Supplier

A bit more expensive than the Singapore, but with the added expense of Import Tax & an Adaptor it may just work out the same

i don't know anything about the
ferplast cayman 230ltr tank with bluwave07 internal bio and mechanical filter at 900l/h
but if your tank is 230liters and you're only pumping 900liters of water through an hour you are going to want more powerheads. most people aim for a minimum of 10x's the volume (230 liters means you want a minimum of 2300 liters per hour). depending on what you want to put in there you may need less (not likely unless you are looking at seahorses) or more. I think i have some where around 15x's, some people go even higher than that. good luck
what power heads do you reccommed and where to position them. also what about skimmers. i have 100mm or 4" behind my tank. which one best to get. thanks

The best powerheads to get are tunze streams but they are very expensive, there are a cheaper version called the seio superflow pump which ar ebrilliant too and very affordable.

The best hang on skimmer is the deltec mce600, around £110 ish 2nd hand on ebay, dont get a cheaper as you will probably wasting your money

i don't know anything about the
ferplast cayman 230ltr tank with bluwave07 internal bio and mechanical filter at 900l/h
but if your tank is 230liters and you're only pumping 900liters of water through an hour you are going to want more powerheads. most people aim for a minimum of 10x's the volume (230 liters means you want a minimum of 2300 liters per hour). depending on what you want to put in there you may need less (not likely unless you are looking at seahorses) or more. I think i have some where around 15x's, some people go even higher than that. good luck
what power heads do you reccommed and where to position them. also what about skimmers. i have 100mm or 4" behind my tank. which one best to get. thanks

The best powerheads to get are tunze streams but they are very expensive, there are a cheaper version called the seio superflow pump which ar ebrilliant too and very affordable.

The best hang on skimmer is the deltec mce600, around £110 ish 2nd hand on ebay, dont get a cheaper as you will probably wasting your money
so is the idea of a power head just to circultate the water to stop dead spots or something else.
In a marine tank the circulation of water is crucial, you need good water movement in order for the liverock to work properly, you can imagine the amoutn of water movement you get in the ocean, you have to try and replicate that somehow in your tank.
In a marine tank the circulation of water is crucial, you need good water movement in order for the liverock to work properly, you can imagine the amoutn of water movement you get in the ocean, you have to try and replicate that somehow in your tank.
so if i have no live rock just ocean rock does this mean that i do not need any other power heads or still need more circulation for fish
what's your biofiltration if you aren't using LR? You're still gonna want flow, don't want dead spots in the tank.
what's your biofiltration if you aren't using LR? You're still gonna want flow, don't want dead spots in the tank.
i belive its in my internal filter. both mechanical and biological filtration. sponges on mechanical side with carbon and ceramic and plastic balls on other. does this sound ok

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