Search results

  1. D

    how much?

    hey, i've heard a lot of ppl talk about exchanging fish for store credit at their LFS, and would like to ask one of the fish stores around here if they would do this. the one LFS i picked is a really nice, it has huge exhibit tanks and such for salt and fresh water fish (they have red tail cats...
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    oscar eggs

    over 48 hours ago my oscars laid eggs, after the parents ate half, they switched into a 10 gallon, got attacked by snails :X , and so on, some mite make it, hopefully, but i have a question its kinda odd but wen i look really close at the eggs, they are an off white/yellow color, i can see a...
  3. D

    How much are fish in your area??

    the LFS that closed down had a young female krib (brilliant colors) that was for sale for like 2 or 3 US dollars and a large male for $6 of course the ppl in front of me got the female for there barbs and danios :( (cuz it was a baby) and the guy said the male was an "aggressive species" (but...
  4. D

    My new fish

    i can't tell from the pics here, but i have seen many pics of very brightly colored males, red belly and all BTW if you don't want the kribs ill take them :D LOL
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    oscar eggs and snails

    ok ive been having some difficulties with the oscar eggs that i've removed from the parents tank, everything has been going alright (well atleast i think) but wen i got home from skool 2day, there were little snails (the small baby ones) crawling on them :crazy: , i picked as many snails out of...
  6. D

    Yellow labs?

    can i keep yellow labs in a 20 gallon long? if so about how many would be ok in there? oh and are they compatible with kribs?
  7. D

    Oscars breeding.

    i'm betting on them not hatching :( but i'd help some of the ppl that want to breed them but truthfully i have no idea what i do or dont do that makes them breed -_-
  8. D

    Oscars breeding.

    this is like the 5th time theyve laid eggs. every time they get better at it, last time they hatched, but the dumb male ate them :angry: problem is i don't have any where to put the big male after they breed (he's the one that eats the eggs or babies every time) well i hope they make it this...
  9. D


    i have one right now, my other one, budwegie (there's no right way 2 spell his name) passed away a couple of weeks ago :-( make sure you don't feed them grit if you get one thats why JayJay my first parakeet died :( We were feeding them grit and aparently they don't need it so it just sat...
  10. D

    Temporary dwarf puffer tank.

    i wanna be one of ur fish! i luv planted tanks! the problem is the LPS around here never has plants well at least not true aquarium plants (i can't get very far as i cant drive yet :( )
  11. D

    Mollies and salt.

    haha sry i mistyped it I tryed to say that more females than males 2 females (at least) per male
  12. D

    Parvo virus.

    awwww... i'm sooo sry :-( Good luck in treating him I hope he makes it, i luv puppies
  13. D

    What plants are these.

    i can't remember the name of the first one, but i don't think it's a true aquarium plant (zebra grass?) i'll keep on thinking
  14. D

    Mollies and salt.

    mollies and salt- in the wild mollies do live in somewhat of brackish water, sometimes mollies from benefit from aquarium salt added to the tank, but many have been bred in freshwater now and are not reliant on having salt in their aquarium its very controversial it's very possible to keep...
  15. D

    Proposed stock list.

    hmmm... i think i'd stay with either cichlids or the other community fish as Alien Spawn already said, clown loaches like to be in groups. Kuhli loaches also like to be in groups as it makes them more secure, but they aren't schooling fish. for livebearers get a 2 female per male ratio or the...
  16. D

    What rock is this.

    i think it is safe, to my knowledge ( :lol: haha knowledge :lol: ) it is used in some gravels, particularly the "natural" color
  17. D

    Peat moss

    yes peat lowers pH and there are many ways to use it, I put some in the filter ,but some boil it and add strain out the peat, keep the water and add it to the tank for water changes, of course there are many ways you can use peat moss
  18. D


    my zoo: 50+ fish 1 homing pigeon 2 rouen ducks 13 rabbits 2 ferrets 1 parakeet 1 canary 2 rats 1 iguana 1 box turtle 2 cats 3 dogs 2 chinchillas many many snails ghost shrimp still working on the pygmy goat tho
  19. D

    Restored thread.

    AHHHHHHHHH!! :hyper: i want it!!! :wub: did u pick out a name?
  20. D

    Ram Pictures.

    wait a min. i mean is the 3rd pic a male?
  21. D

    Ram Pictures.

    awwww... they are sooo beautiful! just wondering if the first is a female and the last is a male? i'm sry for ur loss :rip:
  22. D

    Water hard.

    it mite, im not sure i think i wuz thinking of pH, sry i do know mollies can have salt in their tank, some ppl think they prefer it, just make sure water is clean, they can be sensitive, but i am sure they are hard water
  23. D

    Water hard.

    no mollies like hard water and i don't think salt softens water
  24. D

    Tank and fish.

    i luv the male sword! :wub:
  25. D

    Dropped food pot in tank.

    i had a tank ful of guppies when i was 10, my cuz did "feed the fishies" :crazy: while i wuz gone over the weekend, it was a lg thing of fry food, the tank wuz brown and i lost almost all my fish during or after, including my kuhli loach and algae eaters :byebye:
  26. D

    Which betta.

    i'm soooooooo smart, i forgot the link, oops! here it is:
  27. D

    Which betta.

    i am definately no expert, but i found a website with some pics and info on various types of betta species, i had no idea there were this many species! well it has many pics you can look through, maybe you'll find something!
  28. D


    no they are tropical freshwater although many ppl keep them in room temp.
  29. D

    Betta not eating.

    i dunno, bloodworms don't sound very good to me :sick: LOL!(fish luv them tho) a change in food might work my bettas can be kind of picky
  30. D

    More fish.

    get more bosemani! they luv to be in groups, i'm not sure if they are "true" schooling fish, but they do act like it! you could add a group of another type of rainbows too if you want, like lake tebera, bleheri, or red rainbows (very pretty)
  31. D

    Betta not eating.

    some bettas are inactive, it just depends on the fish, you only need to feed him 1 time a day... what are you feeding him?
  32. mars.jpg


  33. D

    sick rainbow

    whats a good med? brands?
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    sick rainbow

    my rainbow wuz fine this morning, i had him seperate from everyone else because he had fungus, i went and checked on him later and he's swimming funny and laying upside down :fun: on the bottom like he's dead, but he's breathing and then he'll just get up and swim around, the water in the tank...
  35. D

    Golden Julie info??

    hmmm... I think i've come to a decision, Golden Julies. I just need some more info cuz i'm not sure if what i'm reading is right, so i figure personal experiences and stuff will work as a source, can i keep 2-4 in a 20 gallon long? what kind of substrate? plants? compatible fish? and sexual...
  36. D

    what size tank?

    1) Golden Julie - Judlidochromis ornatus 2)i don't want to put these fish together, i was just wondering the minimum tank size for each as a seperate fish on its own, sry i can't explain it better, and i'd probably only keep a pair except for the rams and angels (maybe) i was just deciding on...
  37. D

    what size tank?

    I wuz just wondering what the minimum size tank i'd need for these fish (not together) and how many I could keep together. -firemouth cichlids -rams -golden julies -angel fish these are all fish that I've seen and am interested in purchasing, but I don't want to cram any one of them into an itsy...
  38. D

    cichlid tank...

    I want to start a small( around 20 gallons ) cichlid tank, but am not sure what type of cichlids can be kept in a smaller tank. I like most African cichlids and Jewel cichlids. I was wondering if I could keep a couple in a 20 gallon long, if so, how many, if not, I'll keep looking for the tanks...
  39. D

    wut 2 put in a 20L?

    ooops sry i didn't specify 20 gallons long
  40. D

    wut 2 put in a 20L?

    so for christmas i am getting a 20L, i wont get the fish right away i'll cycle it n stuff, but wen the time comes what should i put in the tank, id like a community if u read my sig u can probably tell i like rainbowfish, but i'd like balloon mollies and kribs :/ 2 n mayb some moonlight...