


are bettas coldwater? i was wondering because i want to put him in with my goldfish. this night not be a good idea though but i would like some reply:) thanks:)
I got brine shrimp eggs today and put them in a 2 liter bottle with the top cut off..and with some aquarium says they need airiation too...but can i go without??

How soon do u have to feed them?
They are definately not cold water, and like to be kept at room temp at least....better from 76-84 though....hope we help!

Chris :fish:
Be careful, too, if you keep him with your goldfish. Goldfish are MESSY MESSY. All my bettas are pretty clean, and only deposit their waste in one corner. :p
okay. i had him in a tank with 3 tiger barbs, 3 red eyed tetras, and 1 rainbow shark. since then i have upped to 6 Tiger barbs, 5 red eyed's, 1 gourami, and the rainbow shark. can i put him back in?
FishKID said:
okay. i had him in a tank with 3 tiger barbs, 3 red eyed tetras, and 1 rainbow shark. since then i have upped to 6 Tiger barbs, 5 red eyed's, 1 gourami, and the rainbow shark. can i put him back in?
Tiger barbs love to rip thins out, and the betta has lot of it. I would not put tiger barbs and bettas at all. Specially when the barbs are mature.
spanair said:
FishKID said:
okay. i had him in a tank with 3 tiger barbs, 3 red eyed tetras, and 1 rainbow shark. since then i have upped to 6 Tiger barbs, 5 red eyed's, 1 gourami, and the rainbow shark. can i put him back in?
Tiger barbs love to rip thins out, and the betta has lot of it. I would not put tiger barbs and bettas at all. Specially when the barbs are mature.
OH!!! That would be a definate no-no.....DON'T DO IT!!! :crazy:

Chris :hey:
alright then its settled... i leave him where he is. i was just tryin to give him more space
most betta like to be kept in warmer waters but will survive in room temperature conditions
ya right now he is in a room temperature tank. i might get a small heater from wall mart if its necessary
It depends on what "room temperature" is. Our house never gets above about 65 unless we have the heaters on--and that's too cold for bettas. If your room stays at a constant (they don't do well in fluctuating temps) appx. 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit, then they'll be fine. Otherwise, a tank heater will keep the water at a sweet 78-80 where bettas like it.

Goldfish will find 78-80 too warm. Plus your goldfish may eat up all the food since most smaller goldfish are just babies. Goldfish also produce a lot of waste so you're going to have to clean that tank A LOT so your betta doesn't get finrot or other illness. It can be done but it might be easier to keep them separate (your goldfish will probably need a very large tank very soon anyway). You can sometimes find inexpensive used tanks at the Goodwill or at yard sales--just make sure you sterlize the tank, test it for leaks before using for fish (we found a 5 gal. tank with lid and light once for just $2, twas a little scratched but who cares).
thanks very much LL. i will start looking around for a used aquarium before i pu them together:)

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