How much are fish in your area??


Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2004
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Happy Valley, Utah...Otherwise known as Spanish Fo
Thought this would be an interesting question...I can buy a LARGE Tiger Barb at Petsmart for a little under $4.00 and can get the same thing for $1.79 at my LFS.

I bought my Paradise Fish for $1.49 and none of the other stores around here sell them.

My Platties at Petsmart were $.99 and my Zebra Danios were the same.
I live in a metropolitan area. Platies cost $2.50US at my LFS. They had a sale on glowlight tetras (and a few other tetra species) for $2.00US each, or $4.01 for 3. Expensive, yah? Then again, everything here is relatively more expensive... From what I remember, the Petco and Petsmart stores sell comparably priced fish.

EDIT: Boy, I don't feel so bad about Boston after reading Pointy Kitty's post~~! -_-

EDIT: Went to the store again today. Assorted goldfish are $6.00, Ghost Shrimp are $0.50 each or 12 for $5.00.
the LFS that closed down had a young female krib (brilliant colors) that was for sale for like 2 or 3 US dollars and a large male for $6
of course the ppl in front of me got the female for there barbs and danios :( (cuz it was a baby) and the guy said the male was an "aggressive species" (but the female wuzn't, come on?) the other store had them for 8.99 each! 99 cents for any danio xcept giants 2.50 for fancy guppies 9.98 for little bitty oscars at Walmart! YIKES, i dunno how much mom paid for ours but thats crazy, big bucks if all those little eggies of mine hatch :D
just to give you an example of how rediculous it is here: :S

ghost shrimp: 1 for $2.99
platty: 1 for $4.99
tiger barb: 1 for $5.99
Angels: $12.99-$14.99
Platy: (depending on size) $4.99-$23.99

STUPID EH? :lol:
just to give you an example of how rediculous it is here:

ghost shrimp: 1 for $2.99
platty: 1 for $4.99
tiger barb: 1 for $5.99
Angels: $12.99-$14.99
Platy: (depending on size) $4.99-$23.99


:crazy: My word that's ridiculous!!

ghost shrimp: 4 @ $1.00
platys: 1 @ $2.66
tiger barb: 1 @ $3.00
Angels: 1 @ $5.00
Guppies: 1 @ 3.50
mollies: 1 @ $3.00
salifin mollies: (this one irks me) 1 @ $5.00
otocinclus: 1 @ $1.66
corydoras: 1 @ $3.00
baby oscars: 1 @ $7.00
gouramis,asst.: 1 @ $4.00
asst. cichlids: 1 @ $5- $7.00

Those are for the small generalized popular stuff...The special big cichlids and saltwater fish are more of course. Not too bad prices,they could be worse like yours pointy kitty! :eek:
Ghost Shrimp- Dozen for $1.00
Cichlids- $3.00 to about $10.00 ( more for really big ones)
Marine fish- $5.00 to about $150.00
Guppies Feeder- 12 for $1.00
Fancy- $3.50 ( I think)
Betta- $1.50 - $2.00
Koi- $10.00 to $100.00
GoldFish feeder- 12 for $1.00
GoldFish- $1.00 to $10.00 or $12.95 ( I forget)
Um- hmm- been a while since I went to a Pet Store. Prices might have changed.
Panhandle Pets ( my pet store) :D
Pretty nice store- clean tanks and healthy fish. :thumbs:
Fish prices vary depending on where you go around me (Just outside NYC)

At the lfs I go to, the fish are more expensive but loads healthier than other stores.
neons n glowlights 30 cents
other tets beside congo (common ones) around a dollar
corys (panda, pepper, leopard, bronze, albino a dollar fifty and under
feeders around 100 for 2 bucks
burundi frontosa around 5 dollars for a small one
apistos around 10 dollars ++
LOL, you guys will faint at this.

Ghost shrimp = last time i bought around 4 dozen for 25 cents.
platys = 1 for 25 cents
fancy guppies = 25 cents for 1
betta= 50cents - 2 dollars for a crowntail
cories = $1 for 1

will give more the next time i go and jot prices down

PT Would love to find those prices!

The store I found sell most of their fish for $2.75. She will order anything I request and will buy any babies we have. She keeps a very clean shop and cares well for her stock. For every 5 fish you buy she gives you a free one.
My nearest lfs sells L177 for 30 pounds, I got for 15 pounds some where else. :p
ghost shrimp=$.20
blue rams=$10

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