Which betta.

White Whale

Granola bar gone bad....
Oct 12, 2003
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I just acquired some type of female betta. Normal brown body with two black lateral stripes running down the entire length of her body. No red bars on her gills so I figured she was imbellis. However, at certain angles her scales shine iridescent green. So I figured green imbellis and or smaragdina. But then she has iridescence on the edge of all her non-paired fins - imbellis or splendens does not have this characteristic. Any ideas? :huh: If I could provide a picture I would, but since I don't have a camera, I can't.
i am definately no expert, but i found a website with some pics and info on various types of betta species, i had no idea there were this many species! well it has many pics you can look through, maybe you'll find something!
The closest is betta picta, but she doesn'y have the broad stripe on the anal fin characteristic of picta.
i got one yesterday really cool im wondering what it is to :dunno:
without a pic itty, it's all speculation.
smaragdina has a unique body shape and unless you got it from a breeder or someone who knows bettas, the chances of finding one at your LFS are slim to none. that being said, you never know..i would venture to say it's spendens, possibly at some point imbellis was bred into it thus negating the red bars. sounds like a nice betta though, congrats ;)

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