More fish.

Dec 10, 2003
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Newcastle, England

I am thinking about getting some more fish for my 71/84 gallon tank (as you already know from the title, lol!) to add to the fish in my signature. I fancy something a little different but don't know what to be honest, so suggestions are welcome. All I ask is that it won't attack the other fish!!

I was thinking about getting 2-4 kuhli loaches, a siamese flying fox (I understand they are only aggressive with their own kind?), some more cardinal tetras if I can and a plec - maybe a L052/L168: Butterfly plec, or a L066: King Tiger, I am looking at others just now such as bristlenoses and clown.

Any suggestions are very welcome, in fact that's why I put this up!! Now, about my tank:

Size: 5ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft
Volume: 71UK/84US/323litres
Substrate: Sand and gravel mix (mostly sand)
Ornaments: Lots of bogwood of various sizes, lots of caves
Plants: Java Fern, Java Moss and Large Reg Tiger Lilly
Filtration: 2 Eheim Ecco external filters
Other: Air pump with 4" stone
Levels: ph 7, Amonia 0, Nitrite 0

I have tried to provide as many details as possible. I have posted pictures of the tank here - It is from the 3rd photo down (inclusive), the other 2 are from my other tank.

Thanks. :thumbs:
Not to sound boring, but I think you should try adding more boesmanis, glass catfish, X-rays tetra's, cardinal tetras and penguin Tetras, they like to school and should be in groups of 6 (make sure more than 3 males with boesmanis).
You could try some kuhli loachs or some hillstream loachs. they add very little bio load and are very fascinating little guys to watch.
That's not boring!

I think the fish I have got are ok as they are to be honest. I did think about getting another rainbow fish but I am not sure as he had been on his own for years before we got him. It's the same with the penguin tetra. I got those fish and some others when I got the tank from someone who had them for years.

I have got hillstream loaches in my coldwater tank and I would not like to add any to the tempature of my tank (77F/26C) as they are only boarderline fish.

Thanks for the suggestions though, I am just after something a little different :)
Well, I have just made an order for my new fish!!

I am getting 4 Kuhli loaches, 4 Siamese Flying Foxes, 2 Kribs and either an L052 (Butterfly plec) or a L066 (King Tiger Plec) depending on whether the L052 is delivered to them on Tuesday or not.

get more bosemani! they luv to be in groups, i'm not sure if they are "true" schooling fish, but they do act like it! you could add a group of another type of rainbows too if you want, like lake tebera, bleheri, or red rainbows (very pretty)
some angels ANGELS are the best some neon tetras or cardinals black skirt a bristlenose kuhli or clown loaches some gouarmis livebearers
Doby_the_Dojo said:
get more bosemani! they luv to be in groups, i'm not sure if they are "true" schooling fish, but they do act like it! you could add a group of another type of rainbows too if you want, like lake tebera, bleheri, or red rainbows (very pretty)
I have got another boesmanni and 2 banded rainbows!!


some angels ANGELS are the best some neon tetras or cardinals black skirt a bristlenose kuhli or clown loaches some gouarmis livebearers

Did you look at the fish I have got?! I have 4 angels, 4 cardinal teras, 4 clown loaches, 2 gouramis, 2 mollies and 2 platys already!! LOL


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