Betta not eating.


New Member
Jan 30, 2004
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I just got a betta fish three days ago. I feed it about twice a day. Once in the moring and at night, but whenever I go back to check if he ate anything pretty much all the food was still at the surface! I don't think that he is eating anything! I dont know what to do. He has a clean tank and the temperature is okay. One more thing...are betta's really inactive because he doesn't move much!
Please help me.
some bettas are inactive, it just depends on the fish, you only need to feed him 1 time a day... what are you feeding him?
Exactly what temp is your tank/bowl? If it's too, too cool then he will not move much at all. You might want to add some heat.

Do you watch him for a while after you drop the food in? If he eats it then spits it out, he may not like it. :lol: My one betta didn't like HBH betta bites, but he ate Hikari Betta Gold.

Bettas can be picky... :D

Also, you may want to try to not feed him for a day (or two) and then drop in some frozen blood worms. He should be good and hungry and gobble those up--which should kick start his appetite. HTH!
....sometimes it's won't eat for up to 2 weeks or more sometimes, however, I would try the temp and brand of food thing as well.
Maybe see if he will eat frozen bloodworms, thise are pretty hard to resist :p

Chris :blink:
i dunno, bloodworms don't sound very good to me :sick: LOL!(fish luv them tho) a change in food might work my bettas can be kind of picky
i have tried to change my bettas diet a few times but it wont maybe you should talk to you fishstore ppl and find out what they fed it and try that same stuff
Hey thanks for all of your advice! I found the problem and I guess they are very picky eaters! I give him BettaMin and I found out that he only eats the freeze dried bruine shrimp and not the flakes. That is so strange...well he is eating now and thanks again! ;)

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