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  1. draconis

    The thoughest fish ever.

    Alive after five plus years (could be seven?), survived two category 5 hurricanes (Irma & Maria), eleven magnitude 5+ earthquakes and thousands of magnitude 3 or higher tremors, and a desperate relocation of his 75g home down the stairs from a third story penthouse inside a 12g Coleman...
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  4. draconis

    Old Oscar Weird Behaviour

    Thanks for the replies. I look into some decor that can he can use as a "place", but since he's at least 12 in long, is going to be a challenge. For now, I guess I'll leave him alone and just enjoy the pleasure of rearranging the gravel when I do the water changes he...he. PS, The tank is 75G. I...
  5. draconis

    Old Oscar Weird Behaviour

    Hello, Havent been here in a LONG TIME but I finally got around to ask the experts. I have this 5+ year Oscar (could be 7 years? honestly dont remember when I got him!). He used to share the tank with a Pleco and a mellow Jack Dempsey, both recently died (several months ago). Anyway, here is the...
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  8. draconis

    Is My Fish Fat, Sick Or Pregnant?!

    Thanks. At this point there's not much hope. The small shark we found dead dead this morning - of no apparent reason, no scratches, blood, no symptoms until this morning. The red tail cat now has a swollen belly and the big shark is about to explode. Another lfs told me to mix mashed garlic...
  9. draconis

    Is My Fish Fat, Sick Or Pregnant?!

    video UPDATE: The LFS says the fish looks OK. HE says is constipation due to over feeding. says to boil some pees and feed them to the fish. I will try that tonight. Anybody think it could be parasites?
  10. draconis

    Is My Fish Fat, Sick Or Pregnant?!

    Yesterday I noticed my shark has this HUGE belly. He did not have this 2 days ago. Anybody have an idea of what could be happening? He looks otherwise OK. He is swimming and eating as usual. Here are the water stats this morning. I change 40% water every Sunday. PH 7.8 Ammonia <0.25 Nitrite 0...
  11. draconis

    Tank At A Local Restaurant.

    I think there are 2 comets (goldfish). There are also 2 dwarf gouramis and if you look carefully you'll see about 2in. water evaporated from the top, which means no water changes in some time...
  12. draconis

    Tank At A Local Restaurant.

    So I went to a restaurant near the beach a couple of weeks ago and they had this fresh water tank in there. I never knew bala sharks were so aggressive! He was literally chewing the scales of the gold fish! Can anybody ID the ciclids? I have no idea what they are. VIDEO
  13. draconis

    Some Pics Of My Fishes...

    Thanks for the feedback. The Pangasus is 7in. long. I got him from a local shop where he was trying to swim in a 55G with 3 huge koi and several big goldfish. He had two large red bumps in the mouth which are now barely noticeable. So, for the time being I think i did him a favor... For the long...
  14. draconis

    Some Pics Of My Fishes...

    Here are some great pics my girlfriend took of my fish with her new camera. Oscar: Iridescent Shark: Red Tail:
  15. draconis

    Red Devi

    I had one for 5+ years. HE WILL DIG ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT and throw gravel around and against the glass. You can set up your tank how ever you want, but he will change it until all the gravel is on the sides and there is a great big hole in the middle. By the way, he killed everything I ever...
  16. draconis

    Sad Day - 14" Silver Arowana Is Dead.

    Thanks for all the kind words. I will never know what happened. Obviously I had to remove him from the tank, but before I did I looked for marks or evidence of impact, cuts or bruises, and couldn't find any. If he crashed against the glass tops he didn't bruise or made a mark on the glass. I...
  17. draconis

    is sad and disturbed by recent events.

    is sad and disturbed by recent events.
  18. draconis

    Sad Day - 14" Silver Arowana Is Dead.

    To my very unpleasant surprise, I found my 14" silver arowana dead in the tank this morning. His body was just floating partially in the middle of the tank. There was not a mark on him. No signs of illness until this morning, no evidence of aggression, or cuts, or anything. He just died. I got...
  19. draconis

    **What Aquarium Filter Do You Have?**

    As per my signature: 2x Aquaclear 110.
  20. draconis

    Aqua Clear Filters

    I have 2 brand new (a couple of months) 110's and haven't noticed this sound or noise. But I haven't cleaned the impeller yet...
  21. draconis

    High Nitrate From Tap Water

    Thanks, excellent explanation. In summary: It is NOT a true R.O. System if it does not generate waste water (which the GE filter does not) and does not use energy to create the required pressure (or can it use just pressure from the tap?). Correct?
  22. draconis

    High Nitrate From Tap Water

    I have the same problem. My tap water is usually high PH and 40 - 80 PPm Nitrates. Since summer I've been re-filling the tank with water coming from the icemaker filters on the fridge (GE's Smart Water + R.O. cartridges) and it has dropped to 10 - 20 PPM consistently since then. I'm a bit...
  23. draconis

    Arowanas Breaking Tanks

    Mine is 14" long and on occasion (at feeding time) will smash HARD against the glass tops, but they are not broken so far. I once put him in 40G plastic container, while doing a water change, and saw him jump a couple of feet in the air. Had to grab him from the floor. They are strong fish, and...
  24. draconis

    Threw Some Caterpillar Worms Into The Tank!?

    My girlfriend found a bunch of caterpillar worms eating one of her plants, so I secretcly took some of them and threw them in the tank. The oscar ate like 3 of them instantly. The arowana ate 2 but didnt seem to like them as much. Did I make a mistake? Will the fish get sick?
  25. draconis

    My Oscar

    Beautiful fish! I couldn't tell from the picture, but make sure he's safe from that $#%@#@& Hole-in-the-head disease. It looks like he has some marks on the fore head, but I guess they're part of his pretty markings. May he live long and prosper!
  26. draconis

    My Tank'S Height Is Very High.And My Parrots Are Not Eating

    Could be they dont like the food. Try to give them whatever the seller was feeding them. Could also be stress?
  27. draconis

    How Did You Start Fishkeeping And What Was Your Craziest Fish?

    Started back in high school with a project for a scientific fair with guppies. I have kept fish since then, mostly in ignorance, you know: angels with neons, boil the gravel, quaterly water changes, etc. The craziest (and the meanest) was a red devil the LFS guy assured me would make a great...
  28. draconis

    Dark Internal Patch In Arowana?

    The oscar will occasionally go after the arowana, but I haven't seen any real damage from those attacks. Is more like he tries to scare the arowana away. If it was a wound inflicted by the Oscar, what would you recommend to help it heal? Melafix? I was afraid that it was internal parasites or...
  29. draconis

    Dark Internal Patch In Arowana?

    Yes. I'm aware that they may grow up to 36" in the aquarium. But, any feedback on the dark patch? He is otherwise very healthy, swimming, eating, jumping.
  30. draconis

    Dark Internal Patch In Arowana?

    All the info is in the signature. The parameters as of yesterday are: PH=8.0 AMONIA=0 ppm NITRITE=0 ppm NITRATE=20 ppm Water is EXTREMELY HARD... Yes, the path looks rather black. I though it was the anus, but I saw it later pooping from another place. Thanks fo rthe help.
  31. draconis

    Firemouth Being Aggresive

    I always considered them very aggresive. I first saw them in a pond at my university and it looked like world war 3 in there. I bought one once and had to returned it because it was chasing everything in the tank. PS, Beatufil fish you got there.
  32. draconis

    Dark Internal Patch In Arowana?

    Between the 2 lower fins is a small dark path that looks like it is inside the skin and also the fins directly below look different. It is darker than shown on the picture. Anyone seen this before in arowanas? Should I be concerned? Appreciate the help. Thanks,
  33. draconis

    How Do You Add Dechlorinator When Using A Python.

    Same here. I usually overdose with dechlorinator just before, during or after the python is refilling and never had an issue.
  34. draconis

    Tiger Oscar Food

    Mine is eating Hikari Cichlid pellets and as many meat sticks he can grab from the arowana (also from Hikari). I could swear he is also munching on the anacaris plants...
  35. draconis

    How Quickly Do Silver Arowanas Grow?

    I bought mine at little over 3" and one year later is around 14-15". I guess not as fast as other owners are reporting, but still I think this is one of the fastest growing fish I've seen, if not the fastest. It did suffer from severe fin rot when I got it though...
  36. draconis

    What Is The Deal With Aquaclears?

    They've always had self-priming issues. I lost at least one some years ago because of a power failure. I have 2 new ones, and one of them takes for every to prime. Otherwise, they are great filters.
  37. draconis

    Fish Circulatory System

    Just one minor thing I noticed. I think you are reffering to the gills, not lungs at the end of this sentence. Right? Otherwise, I don't know much about biology, so I can't comment. :blush:
  38. draconis

    Api Stress Zyme

    I used stress zyme for a long time before I learned about the cycle, etc. Though some of my fish survived for 5 - 6 years using it after water changes, most died early due to HIH or other unknown causes. I'm not using it anymore and my tank is healthier than ever. It is also kind of expensive to...
  39. draconis

    Should I Remove The Carbon Bags?

    After years of using carbon of my tanks I took it out after reading an article about possible correlation with HIH disease. I ve lost 5 scars to hole in the head with carbon on my tanks. None lived more than 6 months. I have a new oscar several months old and no sign of HIH so far. Don't know...
  40. draconis

    Filtration Options For A 75 Gal (284 L)

    I know it makes no sense. The 1st time I put the filters I lost close to 2" of water overnight that were spilled on the floor. The water was all around the front and sides on the bottom edge of the tank, but it was more like accumulation, yet as soon as it was cleaned, more appeared. This had...