Is My Fish Fat, Sick Or Pregnant?!


New Member
Jul 28, 2009
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Yesterday I noticed my shark has this HUGE belly. He did not have this 2 days ago. Anybody have an idea of what could be happening? He looks otherwise OK. He is swimming and eating as usual. Here are the water stats this morning. I change 40% water every Sunday.
PH 7.8
Ammonia <0.25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40


UPDATE: The LFS says the fish looks OK. HE says is constipation due to over feeding. says to boil some pees and feed them to the fish. I will try that tonight. Anybody think it could be parasites?
not got a clue whats going on, but nice fish !!!!
Thanks. At this point there's not much hope. The small shark we found dead dead this morning - of no apparent reason, no scratches, blood, no symptoms until this morning. The red tail cat now has a swollen belly and the big shark is about to explode. Another lfs told me to mix mashed garlic with the food. I'll try that tomorrow, as I tried a medicated food this morning, but it doesnt look like they ate it.

MAn...more than a year without issues and now this... so sad...

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