Sad Day - 14" Silver Arowana Is Dead.

I will say every day the pH in a natural environment varies quite a bit. The simple fact of the sun rising in the morning and the plants in the environment using up the available CO2 in the water can drive the pH up by a whole point compared to the CO2 saturated water that comes back over night as fish and plant respiration renew the CO2 in the water. You can get even faster movements from a good rainstorm coming through, but pH swings that are fairly large are a fact of life in any freshwater environment. I go back now to say that it is indeed daily.
you have to remember it's only a fish

I hate when people say that. Thats not the way I see it when one of my little fishies dies. They matter to me quite a bit

Yes, I feel it's rather rude to tell someone "it's just a fish," as if it's innapropriate to be sad over the loss of a fish or any pet for that matter.
you have to remember it's only a fish
I hate when people say that. Thats not the way I see it when one of my little fishies dies. They matter to me quite a bitKyle
Yes, I feel it's rather rude to tell someone "it's just a fish," as if it's innapropriate to be sad over the loss of a fish or any pet for that matter.

well, it is just fish... I mean, im sad if a fish dies and all, but if its a four dollar fish, then, its easily replaceable usually. And when a fish dies in an aquarium, then it is totally the owners fault.
well, it is just a kitten... I mean, im sad if a kitten dies and all, but if its a free kitten, then, its easily replaceable usually. And when a kitten dies in a storm water drain, then it is totally the owners fault.

Not so nice now is it?
Thanks for all the kind words. I will never know what happened. Obviously I had to remove him from the tank, but before I did I looked for marks or evidence of impact, cuts or bruises, and couldn't find any. If he crashed against the glass tops he didn't bruise or made a mark on the glass. I always left about 1" or so of space from the surface of the water to the glass top, even though that doesn't mean much for arowanas... Anyway, PH is now steady at 7.4 - 7.6 according to the API test kit, and the oscar is doing fine.

And now for the obligated reply,

you have to remember it's only fish.

I did not forget. But, the fact that he was a fish, does not mean I couldn't develop a relationship with him. The fact that he was a fish doesn't mean he was an expendable or disposable object. He would always be alert to events outside the tank, and would let me pet him on occasion, even while cleaning the tank. Perhaps I'm exaggerating or imagining that there was a certain character and personality that was unique to him. There was also the pleasure of watching him grow and get back to health. I don't feel like I can just go to the LFS and buy another one, and it will all be the same as before. He was part of my house and I'll miss that.
you have to remember it's only a fish
I hate when people say that. Thats not the way I see it when one of my little fishies dies. They matter to me quite a bitKyle
Yes, I feel it's rather rude to tell someone "it's just a fish," as if it's innapropriate to be sad over the loss of a fish or any pet for that matter.

well, it is just fish... I mean, im sad if a fish dies and all, but if its a four dollar fish, then, its easily replaceable usually. And when a fish dies in an aquarium, then it is totally the owners fault.

My cat was free, so i guess its just a meaningless piece of crap that i shouldnt care about when she dies. I might as well just stop feeding her now because she was free and feeding her 20 bucks worth of food a month is a waste of my money. What a stupid free animal that i shouldnt feel any feelings for...

You my friend have no need to keep fish


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