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  1. N

    How To Feed Cucumber

    hahha, i could only use one piece because i only have albino cories, and they dotn have enough suction to stay on pieces in the air, so ill post pics of what i did, 1 cory ate a whole slice so they must like it. Great idea emma! :hyper: :lol: :D
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    Good Buy?

    yea, this is a kit with everythnig that you need to start a 20 gallon aqaurium, even like food and conditioner at 80$, the decorations should cost 20$ but i will probally spend around 30$. the the iron stand is around 50$ and it holds 2 tanks. so thats gets me to 150$-160$
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    Good Buy?

    hey everyone, i currently have a 10 gallon awaurium in my small room and i have been wanting a 20 gallon. at my LFS there is a stnad where you can hold 2 tank one on top and one on the bottem. it is > or = to 50$, then the cost of the 20 gallon, i would put the 20 gallon on top and the 10 on the...
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    What Did You Get?

    your pet store wil lget alot of money, of course you will get a lot of cool things
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    What Did You Get?

    MERRY CHRISTMAS! i got: -Casio Exlim S500 digital camera -NC STATE pillow -cheap fish stuff -Digital Camera printer -NCSTATE football -NCSTATE ruler (lol) - From my sister a 25$ gift card to petsmart.. -Ferroco Rocher Chocolate Candies! -NCSTATE ski jacket for the winter getaway thing from...
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    Isnt My Cat The Cutest Thing Ever!

    thats a nice cat there, id liek to nominate it for POTM!! good luck with a second one
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    Cant Keep Snails Alive!

    hmm well then my LPS is stupid, also i no its dead, when you can smell a decaying snail its dead :sick: thanks for your help i might do the shipping thing how muc hwill it be ill PM you about it
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    Cant Keep Snails Alive!

    well ia hvnt used the tablets in at least 2 weeks becuase the fish are doing fine, i will wait another 2 weeks until i try another snail. if there is anything else you can tell me thatd be great!
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    Cant Keep Snails Alive!

    i think i know what the problem is!!! alright i use these ph tablets to maintain the ph for my tank becuase our well water has terrible ph, it fizz like alkie seltzier when put in water, could this be the problem??? also i think its the chemicals because from my knowlage the cories didn't attack...
  10. N

    Whole New Tanks!

    if i were you this is what i would do, get easier to care for fish such as guppys platys, or if you dotn want a billion fry each month try some tetras, you could have a very pretty school of glowlite tetras or any samll tetras, you could put in about 20 small tetras and 10 corys (everyone please...
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    Cant Keep Snails Alive!

    yea ill try that! coudl there be any other reason or could i try somethin else to increase a snails chances...
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    dotn you just love freebes! :)
  13. N

    Cant Keep Snails Alive!

    yea i feed my cories bottem feeder tablets and feed my glowlite tetras falkes/forzen bloodworms, the only think i coudl tell was that the sanil jsut looked beaten up but not like there was cracks or anything, the stuff i was using is called ACE,Ammonia Choramine Eliminator by jungle. coudl that...
  14. N

    Cant Keep Snails Alive!

    yea your probaly right, but i dont ant to give up my cories!! ugh, some people have said that it couldnt be the cories as they dont attack snails....mabye mine are jst weird....i jsut wanted to make sure it wasnt soemthing i was doing so i can fix it and then try again....cause i really want a...
  15. N

    Cant Keep Snails Alive!

    well alright.... i got the snail a few days ago, he was in the tank and was fine comnig out looking around,etc. and then my albino cories come out and start nibbling at him..he freaks out and flips over and starts swiruming...then he went into his shell a day later i chekced on him and the...
  16. N

    Cant Keep Snails Alive!

    yea i have a ramshorn or had a ramshorn, but he died......any advice?
  17. N

    Cant Keep Snails Alive!

    hey everyone, i need help, i have tried to keep snails and they wont stay alive. i have bought 4 from various places jsut so it wouldnt be like buying from a bad palce. When i do try to get a new snail, what tips can you give most recent one which i bought a few days ago,was doing fine...
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    The Final Heat

    i cant see thapus and jane.....
  19. N

    Here's How My Tank Is Doing :)

    This will sound stupid but...whats the purpose for CO2? is it to help keep the plants alive? i might be completly wrong....Anyways wonderful tank, if all of ours could be that good :sad: good work thou :thumbs: :D
  20. N

    Fish For Fish?

    i agree with dwarf, i guess that there are pros and cons for catching fish. Pros:cheap,could be less stressful,fun. Cons:could be illigal, taking out of enviornment, and it might be even more stressful, diesases....etc :/
  21. N

    Another Gimmick Fish "tank"

    haha yes to both of you, i just to think its pathetic, he didnt even take the tiem to thin kanything through, if you ask me its a waste or time, money,space and poor fish lives :(
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    Another Gimmick Fish "tank"

    i jsut think that it would be pretty repulsive if you had guests and you wanted them to look at your tank, and then you send them to the bathroom.....i can picture it now :D
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    My Little Minnie

    thats a very nice looking cat!!! :hyper: :kewlpics:
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    Another Gimmick Fish "tank"

    what about the weight? wouldnt the tank be pretty heavy? and what if you bumped into it.....also how could you look at it if your sitting forwards???
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    New Angel (and Corys)

    jsut wondering but where are the corys? by the way very pretty angel and tank!!! :hyper:
  26. N

    What Should I Keep In My 10 Gallon Tank?

    cories are great, i have 2 in my 10 gallon, should get 3 but 2 seem happy, i also have 5 glowlite tetras, i agree with wilder, they are pretty boring, i think that all tetras except the harlequins seem cool. but i still do enjoy the glowlites as they are good eaters and easy fish. EDIT: my s/n...
  27. N

    Betta Remedy?

    1 gallon , actully its more like 5/6 becuase when i filled the vase up with a jug of spring water there was a little water left over.
  28. N

    Betta Remedy?

    oh she is definatly out weekly, besides, she has given me more responsiblilitys while she is busy with work and collage. so i can do the salt i jsut need to no if it will be ok for the betta.
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    Betta Remedy?

    what aobut the aqarium salt, can i use that in the vase for the betta??
  30. N

    Betta Remedy?

    Hey everyone, as you may have read my sisters betta was being neglected but is on the road to recovery, anyways while at the local fish store today i found a remedy called Bettafix remedy by splendid betta. im jsut wondering if anyone has used this for there betta. also, another memeber on this...
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    I Need Some Info On Discus Fishies

    i dotn think that discus can be in a ten gallon as they grow very big, i think the minimum is 30 but may be even higher
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    My Kitties

    cassiday is very cute :kewlpics:
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    Fish Eating Food And Then Spitting It Out?

    yes my glowlite tetras do the same axact thing, i was worried until i realized that they were jsut spitting it up into smaller pieces so they could eat it. they could jsut be wanting a differant kind of food becuase they do not like the taste. i would break them up into smaller peices before...
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    My Aquarium

    nice tank what is the size?
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    Horrible,horrible Things!

    yea, i am going to the pet store and buying some melafix and aqarium salt for the infection. A member on this forum said that i should put soem aqarium salt in the water.
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    Horrible,horrible Things!

    Well my sister has decided to take some of my advice, but she still refuses to do that may water cahnges, so i decided jsut to do them for her. :)
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    Horrible,horrible Things!

    yes that was the one thing that i have forgotten to mention, i have tlaked to my parents and my dad has said that he will tkae me to the fish store and buy melafix and possibly some aqarium salt mabye to fix the infection, is that what you need to do aqaurium salt? i heard from annastasia to...
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    Horrible,horrible Things!

    lol i think that the main problem with this betta thing it that 1) she gos on a lot of dates 2) she works 2 jobs (paraleagel and clothing department) and 3) is in school for the 3rd time. but im still going to take over the responisbilily of the betta whether she wants me to or not
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    Horrible,horrible Things!

    i no i guess i care abotu fish more than she does, she thinks of it as a thing, i think of it a living animal. She doesnt undertand that it needs mroe effort than jsut giving it food. :( :sad: