Horrible,horrible Things!

i no i guess i care abotu fish more than she does, she thinks of it as a thing, i think of it a living animal. She doesnt undertand that it needs mroe effort than jsut giving it food. :( :sad:
You should tell her to have a lovely chat with the nice people of this forum :shifty:
lol i think that the main problem with this betta thing it that 1) she gos on a lot of dates 2) she works 2 jobs (paraleagel and clothing department) and 3) is in school for the 3rd time. but im still going to take over the responisbilily of the betta whether she wants me to or not
I have not seen any mention of parents. Why don't you bring this to them. Show them that your sis isn't taking care of her fish, and what is required. Ask them to stress to her that this is a living thing. It is unacceptable to mistreat, or neglect it. If she does not have the time, or is unwilling to take care of him properly, she should give him to you.

My mother has a vase that looks about the same size. It holds just under 1 gallon. Her Betta has been living in it for 2 years. He looks healthy, and happy. 1-2, 100% water changes a week, is fine.
I have not seen any mention of parents. Why don't you bring this to them. Show them that your sis isn't taking care of her fish, and what is required. Ask them to stress to her that this is a living thing. It is unacceptable to mistreat, or neglect it. If she does not have the time, or is unwilling to take care of him properly, she should give him to you.

My mother has a vase that looks about the same size. It holds just under 1 gallon. Her Betta has been living in it for 2 years. He looks healthy, and happy. 1-2, 100% water changes a week, is fine.

yes that was the one thing that i have forgotten to mention, i have tlaked to my parents and my dad has said that he will tkae me to the fish store and buy melafix and possibly some aqarium salt mabye to fix the infection, is that what you need to do aqaurium salt? i heard from annastasia to have soem aqauium salt to put in. M y mother has said that it is her business and eve nthou she sgrees that the ammonia is very high, that my sister has choosen not to listen to my advice and it is her fault if he dies. :sad:
Well my sister has decided to take some of my advice, but she still refuses to do that may water cahnges, so i decided jsut to do them for her. :)
yea, i am going to the pet store and buying some melafix and aqarium salt for the infection. A member on this forum said that i should put soem aqarium salt in the water.

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