Betta Remedy?


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Hey everyone, as you may have read my sisters betta was being neglected but is on the road to recovery, anyways while at the local fish store today i found a remedy called Bettafix remedy by splendid betta. im jsut wondering if anyone has used this for there betta. also, another memeber on this forum told me to use aqarium salt to help fix the infection that the betta has, can i add the betta remedy with the salt, should i use the salt at all? jsut please respond back!
How big is the vase? The bad thing is if you add the salt then you will have to do like a weekly 100% water change and if I remeber correctly you said that you could only do water changes when your sister went out, so salt might be a bad idea unless she goes out every week.
oh she is definatly out weekly, besides, she has given me more responsiblilitys while she is busy with work and collage. so i can do the salt i jsut need to no if it will be ok for the betta.
1 gallon , actully its more like 5/6 becuase when i filled the vase up with a jug of spring water there was a little water left over.

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