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  1. G

    New Snails

    They're slow and hungry and pesty and love to reproduce. And the apple snails are just as slow and don't reproduce as fast, so they're not usually so numerous. I didn't think snails would eat live stuff either, but I guess they can if they want it badly enough and it doesn't get away fast...
  2. G

    African Dwarf Frogs And Amano Shrimp

    Yes, I just noticed recently that her eyes look cloudy and her hands look arthritic because they are always curled and the knuckles are big and lumpy. I supose those could both have something to do with molting. I think I've had her less than a year, but not by much. Her appetite seems fine...
  3. G

    Adf Get'n Old?

    So.... Can anybody tell me if my frog is probabbly just old or if there's something I should do for her? I do have some fairly recent pics of Piggy. I'll look and see if any are clear enough to show what I mean and if I can adjust them to post. If she is old , would it be best to not get new...
  4. G

    New Snails

    We had a load in a breeder net while we were deciding what to do with them all and one of my girlfriends purple apples climbed in and was eaten alive. um...A load of what? lobsters? shrimp? rams horns?....
  5. G

    African Dwarf Frogs And Amano Shrimp

    good pics. Those frogs look very healthy. cleared ou one thing i was wondering about. definitely Miss piggy's foggy eyes are not just a natural trait I'd previosly overlooked, now I wonder if she's aging, sick, or just thinking about shedding skin or something. I think I read that they do...
  6. G

    New Snails

    Apple snails are the one type of critter I deliberately allow in the hatching tank with my cories. In fact I hatched my last 12 broods of apple snails in there between 2 sets of cory fry. I am interested in the idea of rams horn snails killing apple snails, because I'm not sure that's what...
  7. G

    Adf Get'n Old?

    I think I've had Miss Piggy about a year now, and she's spent most of that time in my comunity tank with lots of other critters, but none of her species. i do want more of her species, but it's only a 29 gallon tank, and the corries and guppies are keeping it pretty full of babies. For a while...
  8. G

    Fast Growing Kids

    Oh, I forgot 1 thing. Yes, i do think the larger fry are females, because that seems to be the case with most fish i've raised, cories especially. In fact, BC is about twice the size of Pinki. She is brobably slightly older too, but even some of their kids are now as big as pinki. I decided...
  9. G

    Fast Growing Kids

    Hi inchworm! I must have missed your post for a while. I probably forgot to click notify me of replies. I have long suspected that warmer temps would speed metabolism and growth. i really noticed the difference when I spread out my mystery snails to all different tanks. I can't do a lot...
  10. G

    Tank Pollz

    yeah, how unusual is it for a tank to be planted , anyway? All my tanks have plants, because I just figure that's part of the ecosystem, and I have a couple species of plant that keep growing ang proliferating. I don't even think anout the plants sometimes. I was going to just click comunity...
  11. G

    Stocking Plans

    the rasboras do sound like fun. I've seen pictures, but I don't see many in stores. I like the exclamation spot rasboras, because they are so tiny, you can geet more in a small space. i find silver hatchets almost everywhere around here, but I get the marbled ones mostly because they're...
  12. G

    Musical Tanks

    My main tank is 29 U.S. gallons. It has been looking remarkably healthy for months, and it doesn't even get cleaned as much as some of my other tanks. I think that means I basically have a good comunity going, but I did have 1 tiny little dead fish from that tank last night. He was basically...
  13. G

    Stocking Plans

    that sounds good to me, but Ive never had barbs or chery shrimp or dwarf gourami personally, and I haven't done your math. I have a 29usg tank that has mostly cories and guppies now, but I still have 1 tetra, 1 minnow, a couple of loaches, a hatchet, and I have had ghost shrimp in about the same...
  14. G

    Saw A Fry In My Tank What Is It?

    I reckon the best way to be sure would be to see the little fryguy, but if it's eaten, it's eaten. Personally, I've never seen new tetra fry of any kind so, I don't know how closely they might resemble guppyfry, and I've seen plenty of surprise guppy fry. I've had them escape from breder...
  15. G

    Fast Growing Kids

    wow I've already sold some of the aug 2 babies. thae guy said thay were small, but I said they were easier to catch than the big ones and I tried to keep most of the little ones. I had to make room in my fry tank because BC plastered the walls again. Now I have about 60 tiny guys almost a week...
  16. G

    Fish Misinfo Frustrations

    It's been a while, but I'll add an update to the poor feeder goldies' saga. The white lumpyness on some of their faces did seem to go away, so maybe it was a disease. The achor worm also went away and never turned up on more than the 1 fish, but I treated them all with antiparasite meds and...
  17. G

    Fish Misinfo Frustrations

    Actually they are feeders, but some of them have interesting colors. They are all long and skinnyish with single tails. When I mentioned the one with dots on the lobes of it's tail, I meant upper and lower, not right and left. Commets just have longer fins and shubunkins are like calico...
  18. G

    Poor Old Sunny

    His eye isn't puffy at all anymore but now it's getting redder and just today it's gotten so cloudy It almost looks like the one eye is gone. He stays so still sometimes i have to look really close to be sure his gills are moving or pat the side to see if he wiggles. I'll definitely at least...
  19. G

    Fish Misinfo Frustrations

    I was planning on storage tubs, and had 1 located, but not cleaned by the time they came home. (it had been used for bleaching flower pots and testing a disapointing floating solar fountain. and had brow algaeish gunk in the bottom and a big garden snail on the handle.-Those French people had to...
  20. G

    Fish Misinfo Frustrations

    Well, I now have about 50 goldfish fanging from about 1 inch to about 3 inches in a 10 gallon tank in my sister's bedroom. I turned on a couple of air stones full blast this morning, and the regular external power filter is running. When I picked them up there was 1 dead one in with the live...
  21. G

    Poor Old Sunny

    I don't remember exactly when I got Sunny, maybe around a year ago, but he's the only betta I have right now. I named him Sunspot because of the random dark red spots on an otherwise pinkish yellow fish. I liked how one of his pelvic fins was bent to resembe a mantis arm, but I don't know if...
  22. G

    Fish Misinfo Frustrations

    yeah. In fact I'm thinking about calling my friend right now to see if she still has any live ones. She didn't want her kids to watch them die I think, and said she had thought about just throwing them out but didn't want to kill them. I suspect she'll think more before doing this again. Ok...
  23. G

    Happy Birthday Big Sid!

    oh! OH! Cracker and Creamscicle are mad at me for not seeing that earlier. They wanted to go to the party.
  24. G

    Fast Growing Kids

    sorry, no pics. It's hard enough for me to get pics of the bigger and slower critters. actually we did take some on the digital camera while the snail was laying eggs, and there might be some cory fry in the shots if they happened to be zooming by at the right time, but I'd be amazed if you...
  25. G

    Fish Misinfo Frustrations

    yeah. maybe I'll print something out or something. I still need to decide what to do tomorrow morning. I'mm thinking about trying to clean up the spa really fast just to have a big enough container. ( And the story gets worse....) My friend just told me today that she is still trying to...
  26. G

    Should I Put My Fish In My Brother's Pond?

    I think they'll stay where they are for now. I might not know where I'm living until the end of the year, but unless I get rich and lucky I'll be in my parents' house and they aren't real supportive of the pond idea. Not that they object to it, they just aren't helping, and it doesn't make...
  27. G

    mouthbrooding species

    cool! how hard are these to find for pets? I'd like to see pics. Are they all fancy like spendens? Do they hybridize? My current betta is very mellow. He won't even bother guppies thay wave their tails in his face. Is it possible he's not pure spendens? I got him off the shelf at Walmart...
  28. G

    Fast Growing Kids

    My newest cories just hatched on August 2. Now they are all more than half an inch long if you count from tip of whiskers to tip of tail and some might evn be 2 cm. They have mature colors already. I can still see a faint eyestipe on most, but there are very few with brown speckles. (these...
  29. G

    Most Common Corydora Species

    I'd agree that C aenus are most common. I got a bronze one first and she has produced lots of kids for me, which I have sold to my LPS and others. I was surprised that the LPS I sold them to seemed unfamiliar with the species, but said the albinos were so common they don't pay much for them...
  30. G

    Snail Mass Production

    I only had 3 apple snails for a while, after once having had hundreds of baby ones and giving some away and selling some , and then a bunch of them kept dying off, right when I found a good potential buyer. about a month ago I noticed the 2 big snails in very close proximity to each other and...
  31. G

    Golden Apple Snail Diet

    Mine eat pretty much everything too. They loved my purple waffle plant. I usually don't worry about feeding snails that live with fish, because I know they'll find something. When I keep them alone I give them mostly algae wafers and some bottom feeder pellets and whatever else is handy. I...
  32. G

    A Stow Away Snail!

    I'd probably keep the snail. I'm not sure how fast that kind can multiply alone, but I have had a single snail start a family of hundreds. Aparently I bought her pregant, but different species have different ways of making babies, apparently. I got my first snails on purpose to help clean...
  33. G

    Brime Shrimp

    ghost shrimp are cheep and can go in a comunity of small freshwater fish. They're also used as food sometimes. if you grow brine shrimp, just don't let their salt in with the cories. i hear that's bad.
  34. G

    Should I Put My Fish In My Brother's Pond?

    just in case anyone was wondering, the sick Koi died, even though tjey boght a quarantine tank and some meds for it. Then some of theeir other fish got sick too. They were able to exchange some that they got at a place with a little waranty, but so far as I know their pond is doing better now...
  35. G

    Some Pics Of New Baby Mail-order Koi

    :lol: I was thinking they look just like Creamscicle, my commet. people tell me my Rosey (cat) looks like a fluffy little cow sometimes too. :D
  36. G

    Fish Misinfo Frustrations

    :huh: a friend told me a couple of weeks ago that they were planning to use live goldfish as table decorations, and that I could have some if I wanted. I had to think about it, but decided it was not a great idea. She did have arrangements to sell most of them right back to the store, but a...
  37. G

    Goldfish Changing Colour?

    I agree that some goldies just change color. I've seen it happen in my house. The light/dark theory sounds logical, sort of, but I've also heard of stranger things. A kid just told me tonight that she had a female betta that went from white to black. i haven't seen that. I've had several...
  38. G

    My Kitties

    I knew you didn't really hack into my computer, which is why I asked about hacking into my digital camera, which would be impossible unless it was conected to the web, which it isn't. I think I might actually have my fish pictures on my computer now. I should try doing something with them. I...
  39. G

    Should I Put My Fish In My Brother's Pond?

    yeah, I think I want to keep them around for now. I should be cleaning up after them more though, and I keep just dumping in food for them to find instead of taking time to play with them. Last night I didn't even break up their algae wafers, and they tried to eat the cookies whole, but they...
  40. G

    My Kitties

    Well, there are Rosey and Ember. Thanks for the help. Now i'll just have to figure out how to do that myself.... Rosey is the sideways one. She is big and fluffy and rather relaxed. definitely independent but getting more affectionate all the time. Sometimes I call her Snoopy or...