Should I Put My Fish In My Brother's Pond?


Fish Crazy
Aug 22, 2004
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Sacramento (City of the Governator)
My brother and his wife have recently gotten their pond up and running. i saw it for the first time with water and fish yesterday. Their biggest fish so far is a calico Koi about the same size as my 2 5 year old feeder goldfish. In fact my sister in law just called to tell me she's getting a 10g tank to use as a hospital tank and treat that one for dropsy, which I was a little worried it could have when I saw it yesterday. they also have a smaller yellow and silver butterfly koi and at least 3 shubunkins and maybe about 4 feeders that they put in first to test the water, so I'm not sure how many fish exactly are already in there, but it's much bigger than my 20g tank. When I asked yesterday if they wnated Cracker and Creamsicle to move in, my sister in law said it would be Ok as long as i don't get mad at them if my fish get sick or die, but she thought my fish might help her shyer fish learn to come out and eat. ( I think they have a pleco hiding in there somewhere too.)
Mine like to nibble and slurp tubiflex cubes right from my fingers, and beg when they notice that I'm awake in the morning. i would miss having them right by my bed, and might have less oportunity to reflect on how I bought them both with a quarter my cousin gave me for my birthday, but I think they would be happier with more space. I would probably wait at least a little while anyway to see what happens with their sick koi and be sure the others are healthy. Actually my shubunkin just died recently and I'm not sure why, but I don't think it was contagious.
It looks like I will not be building a pond at my current residence, because my parents are considering selling the house and moving to my grandparents house. We've talked about possible pond locations there, but we'd have to at least move in first, and that isn't looking like it's happening very fast. Setting up a bigger tank wouldn't be much easier right now.
they do have some pretty small fishies, but I don't think they are small enough for the bigger ones to eat them. Then again, it's been years since greedy little Creamsicle has lived with a fish significantly smaller than himself, and he used to snatch food away from Cracker all the time.
So who thinks I should go ahead and dump my friendly big fishies in their pond where they would probably be happier but i would see them less often?
Who thinks I should keep them in the 20g for a little longer and see if i can find a bigger home for them closer to me soon?
Maybe I could even put them in their pond and fish them back out if I do ever get a bigger better space for them.
Then I'd have to decide what to do with my empty 20g. i do have some breeding cories and guppies and I've thought about trying a brackish or maybe marine tank some time, but right when I might be moving is probably not the best time for that. Or I might get some smaller fancy goldfish, but eventually they could outgrow the tank too, and even if my brother's pond had space to keep adding my grownups, fancies probably shouldn't go in with the tougher single tails. Maybe I would wait until i know more about the future or just use it as an extra grow out for my fry, most of which are big enough to sell now anyway.
With their pond so new and already having a sick fish i wouldnt give them your fish. Keep them where they are just now and wait to see how their pond goes. Its nearly too late now to add new fish to a pond and would be a wise decision to wait until late spring next year to see how her pond looks, and if you can have your own pond where you can enjoy them in your own garden.
yeah, I think I want to keep them around for now. I should be cleaning up after them more though, and I keep just dumping in food for them to find instead of taking time to play with them. Last night I didn't even break up their algae wafers, and they tried to eat the cookies whole, but they don't quite fit in their mouths, so they play with them until they soften enough to break. They frowned at me this mornig when I fed the baby cories next door and told Cracker and Creamsicle they were big enough to wait.
I'll have to get an update on the koi. I think I've had one fish with dropsy that survived, (propably a guppy). It could have been sick when they got it, maybe.

As for being late in the season to add fish, I wonder if that applies in the Sacramento Valley. We can expect average highs in the 90s (f) until the beginning of Oct., and we only get lows below freezing a few times each year. We barely have a winter at all. In fact winter by the calendar is the greenest and often quite pleaseant, compared to our typical summers. For a little while this year we didn't even dip below 80 at night.
(I should translate temps to celsius, but I'm lazy.)
just in case anyone was wondering, the sick Koi died, even though tjey boght a quarantine tank and some meds for it. Then some of theeir other fish got sick too. They were able to exchange some that they got at a place with a little waranty, but so far as I know their pond is doing better now. I want to go see it again. I still have my 2 big goldies in my room, and I've gotten some good pics lately and had fun feeding them last night. Creamsicle kept missing the food and sucking on my fingers. :)
Are you looking to add your fish again to the pond? Whats winter like where you are? Maybe better to see how things are late spring.
I think they'll stay where they are for now. I might not know where I'm living until the end of the year, but unless I get rich and lucky I'll be in my parents' house and they aren't real supportive of the pond idea. Not that they object to it, they just aren't helping, and it doesn't make much sense to put one in and then move unless it increases the value of the house a lot, which it probably wouldn't, and I wouldn't leave Cracker and Creamscicle and move away. They seem happy enough, but I know they should have at least twice the gallonage.
Grandma and Grandpa's house is just less than an hour north in reasonable trafic, and in the same Sacramento valley. If anything the weather is slightly more extreme there in both directions, but there isn't a significant difference. I've lived here most of my life and never seen snow on the ground in Sacramento, unless it was fake or melting imported stuff. I've seen pictures of snow at gma and gpa's house, but the fact that the got out the camera to tape it shows how rare that is, and I'm sure it melted a few hours later.

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