My Kitties

No it hasn't worked, but i'll tell you how to. Go to ImageShack, upload the picture that you want to use, then copy out the "Thumbnail for Forums (1)" code, and put the code in your post and then that should work. You have to do each picture one by one though, but it doesn't take long at all, only about 10 seconds each one. Good luck!

Incase everyone is wondering how FKNM done it, she hacks into peoples computers in her spare time and pinches personal documents! :rofl: Finally, should edit the first pic in a graphic editor and rotate it so it's easier to see. :good:

Well, there are Rosey and Ember. Thanks for the help. Now i'll just have to figure out how to do that myself....
Rosey is the sideways one. She is big and fluffy and rather relaxed. definitely independent but getting more affectionate all the time. Sometimes I call her Snoopy or Fluffy.(almost 12lb)
Ember is my halloween scaredy cat. She loves me, but nobody else, especially Rosey. Sometimes I call her Spooky or fuzzy.(about 7 lb)
Believe it or not, they came out of the same mom on the same day. I should be able to find better pictures. i'm sure at least one of them has grown since those.
....So FKNM, can you hack into my digital camera for the pictures of my recently deceased shubunkin so I can see if anybody has any ideas on why it died and whether it was a (possibly pregnant) female?
i love cats and all enimals(except spiders :/ )
nice photos!

I knew you didn't really hack into my computer, which is why I asked about hacking into my digital camera, which would be impossible unless it was conected to the web, which it isn't.
I think I might actually have my fish pictures on my computer now. I should try doing something with them. I like that "ultimate pet" too. It kinda looks like one of my mystery snails trying to eat a fish. It reminds me of my baby corey songs.

If ya'll think those cats are pretty in the pictures, you should see them in real life, or at least better pics. Rosey's been hanging out on the floor in the computer room a lot lately. That's where she is now, probably sleeping, but she wakes up to sniff my toes whenever I get up and she had to rub on me when I sat down. maybe that neighbor cat under the bushes next to my clay table left a little scent on me or something. Sometimes we pick Rosey up to show her to cats that come uninvited and we tell them that it's Rosey's yard and she's bigger, so she can scare them away. One of my favorite moments was when they were young and still liked each other more. They were both looking out my second story window at a stranger cat walking on the fence. Then it saw my cats and looked right at them. Ember got scared and said a little "mow" and sort of ducked behind her sister, who looked down at her as if to say, "It's OK silly, that cat can't get you" and liked her a couple of times on top of the head. The last time they were willingly close and affectionate with each other was when we took them to Grandma's house and I had to bathe Rosey a little because she has "accidents" during scarey car rides. (i think she just can't handle not being in control.) Anyway, I had both carriers in the batroom, but Rosey's was disassembled for cleaning, so she crawled in Ember's, which Of course Ember was still hiding in. It was the first time they were in there together since I tried to take them to about their second or third vet visit, and they both flew out noisily when I tried to stuff 1 cat in with the other. (I carried Rosey in a laundry bag, amd she had her first accident ever on my lap.) Anyway, getting back to Grandma's bathroom, Ember didn't seem to mind having Rosey in her carrier, but she did calmly come out and stayed nearby where she could continue to comfort her sister by licking her forehead and trying to help dry her. She also howls in sympathy or maybe fear that she'll be next when I take a shower sometimes, as they both do whenever I wash either of the cats. I wish I had a good recording of Ember when I bathe her. She sounds like she's saying, "NO!.. NOO!..." I don't usually have a video camera handy right when they need a bath and they don't get bathed often because they hate it, but I originnally wanted to bathe them more often to reduce allergy problems. In the car Ember kind of moans and Rosey screams, "OW!.. OW!" and wants to stop "NOW!" When they aren't terrified they are usually pretty quiet, but rosey has her little kitten "mew" for when she wants food or attention, and Ember sort of trills and cries for me from halfway up the stairs if I don't come to bed when she wants, and makes a simmilar but oddly muffled sound when inviting me to come play ball with her mouth full in the middle of the night. Sometimes I wake up with several spongey balls under my covers or next to my pillow. I translated Ember's nightly calls into her own version of " Somebody Come and Play".

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