I agree that some goldies just change color. I've seen it happen in my house. The light/dark theory sounds logical, sort of, but I've also heard of stranger things. A kid just told me tonight that she had a female betta that went from white to black. i haven't seen that. I've had several gold fish over the last 3 years and 3 of them changed color enough to surprize me. My orange spotted white commet has stayed about the same for years, and I'm sure my shubunkins changed some, but they were so colorful I could notice new spots that were there all along, and the overall distrubution of color didn't seem to change drastically. Cracker, the common had black a black stripe on his back that faded away as he grew, and now he has some whiter spots, but he's always been basically orange, and I think he's typical. Chicken was mostly white and turned more yellow and orange gradually. Nugget started out a light brownish bronzy metalic goldish color and got darker pretty quickly during his last few months. By the time he died he was almost black on top and kind or orange below. I wonder how much their diet affects color. I have used foods with color enhancers.