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  1. J


    Ok well this morning I put my hand in and was astonished to find it was ok!! After feeling rather optimistic I moved a plant but then found that the shock came after having my hand fully in the water and travelled up my arm! Before it was just in an instance but it was delayed this time but...
  2. J


    Thanks for your help I guess im going to have to be brave and play around with the electrics and seeing if I still get shocked :unsure: wow im going to have a fun morning! Wish me luck if I dont reply its because I cant get on my computer because I will have cut the power off to my entire...
  3. J


    p.s are my fish gonna get hurt :crazy:
  4. J


    How strange!! I hope thats the case with me and Im just over reacting!! I dont like playing with electrics and water :lol: not a good idea! perhaps im just electrically charged! x
  5. J


    thank you for the advice I hope this method doesnt end up frying me though :lol: I had tried to put my hand in again and i still got the same shock so theres definately something wrong because its happened more then once and not just static! i just dont like the idea of gunia pigging myself...
  6. J


    Hiya I did a large water change in my Jewel Trigon corner tank and rearanged the rock wall. After filling the tank up with water again I went to put my hand in to move a plant but I got a strange shock like a bad static shock as i put my hand in. None of the electrical wires or plugs came in...
  7. J

    Angel Fish Popeye! :(

    Thank you very much that website had helped me identify the popeye, Im still rather unsure as to the cause of the pop eye and im in a bit of dilema. I hate to think that the angelfish maybe suffering whilst in the community tank so i am unsure about leaving him and seeing if he gets better on...
  8. J

    Angel Fish Popeye! :(

    hiya I have a jewel trigon corner tank. I have two angelfish neon and glowlight tetras and a plec. I noticed that my silver angelfish has one eye which is bulging and the skin around the eye looks pink and there seems to be skin almost coming off at the top of the eye. The fish is still eating...
  9. J

    Need Help With Discus!

    p.s i wasnt actually planning on breeding them! i was under the impression they were two females!
  10. J

    Beginner Breeder Fish Please

    Kribensis are easy peasy! Just watch for the red tummys and place them in a tank with a flower pot on its side as a cave
  11. J

    Need Help With Discus!

    Actualy the shovel nose is anything but aggressive even at night. The other fish were only temparory as they were from another tank which was my brothers but hes broken his knee so cant do the water changes and they were moved to my tank. I recently had three discus and was planning to get...
  12. J

    Need Help With Discus!

    Really!!! id always read that they were peaceful breeders! say if they managed to mate then would the eggs be safe in the community tank? thank you!!
  13. J

    Need Help With Discus!

    Hiya I have a community tank with two discus fish, two angelfish, a shovelnose catfish and a plec. Iv had my discus fish for about a year and a half and they have always got on very well and eaten fine. I came down to feed them and notived that one of them was looking a little down and didnt...
  14. J

    Jewel Trigon 350

    I was thinking about getting a variety of shoaling fish like the tetras can i just ask how you'v decorated it? Or is it just the standard bogwood plants and rocks. I just find it quite an awkward tank to decorate Abirose x
  15. J

    Jewel Trigon 350

    Hiya Iv had a Jewel Trigon 350 corner tank for about 2/3 years. At first I had a comunity tank but then decided to keep some discus fish instead. Now iv only got two discus left and im thinkin about doing a whole new refit and have a comunity tank again. However im a little unsure about which...
  16. J


    my glowlite tetras and cardinals shoaled together looked preety :wub: abirose
  17. J

    Suggestions Please!

    Yeh i wouldnt advise on the betta the last thing you need is the barbs to nip it to shreds glowlite tetras are nice and red honey gourami :wub: abirose
  18. J

    Discus And Angels

    Yeh iv researched it but I didnt want to add to many at one time im planning to get more than one but im giving each fish a few days to settle in before i add more so that i can observe its behaviour, this means if anythings wrong i can sort it out before i add more fish.Im adding them in...
  19. J

    Please Recommend A Fish!

    MEANIE lol u have no faith lol dnt doubt the bettas lol (although ur propably right!!) :wub: abirose MEANIE lol u have no faith lol dnt doubt the bettas lol (although ur propably right!!) :wub: abirose
  20. J

    Discus And Angels

    thanks guys im gettin a baby discus 2morrow hopefully yay!!! :wub: abirose
  21. J

    Please Recommend A Fish!

    Theres nuthin better then a good betta lol!! A nice siamiese fighter fish always brings colour to my tanks thers a possibility the gourami mite be a bit iffy with it but apart from that yay!! :wub: abirose
  22. J

    Dwarf Puffers

    personally from my experiance with bettas i think its a bit mean to put them in 2.5 gallon tanks cos there so small just cos they survive in that doesnt mean that its nice for them. My betta Sushi :D prefers to be in larger tanks plus it lets you appriciate the finage and colour more. Trust me...
  23. J

    Discus And Angels

    :D Thanks for the info guys Can anyone recomend any good tankmates for a discus? or am i gonna have to just make it a species tank? I guess Bertie's just gonna have to put up with it lol Cheers :wub: abirose
  24. J

    Discus And Angels

    Hiya people! I have a jewel trigon corner tank which i have always used as a community fish tank. I also have a smaller tank which i have moved all of my smaller community fish into because i want to start keeping discus fish in the trigon. i have a large angel fish named Bertie :D who i moved...