Suggestions Please!


New Member
Jun 25, 2006
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Massachusetts, USA
Hi Everyone,
So I finished the terrible task of closing shop on my 45 gallon (per landlord's request...pfft) and transferred my three pearl danios to their new home a small itty bitty :( 10 gallon tank. Let me tell you, capturing these guys in the 45 gallon was pure torture. I have never been so frustrated in my life. Picture it: I, standing on a kitchen chair, a net, a flexible cutting board to try to "section off" the tank for capture, and my head almost completely submerged! It was a tall tank, so let me tell you NOT FUN. I ended up emptying the tank almost all the way down and FINALLY catching them. The guy at the LFS wasn't joking about how difficult they were to capture.

So now in my new little habitat, I have 3 pearl danios and 3 new cherry barbs. All living quite happily I might add. However, the tank is lacking a bit of color, it has enough activity, but I wanted the remainder of my small, but still lovely, community to have a little more oomph. I know I can't have many more, but I'd love some feedback on some interesting and beautiful possible additions. How many more would you add? What would you add?

I would maybe suggest a simease fighter? You may need to be careful of the simease fighter with the cherry barbs, but I have kept both succesfully for a long time.

The simease fighter (betta) would add the colour you need for the tank.
I would maybe suggest a simease fighter? You may need to be careful of the simease fighter with the cherry barbs, but I have kept both succesfully for a long time.

The simease fighter (betta) would add the colour you need for the tank.

True the Betta would add some much needed color, but I worry because my barbs and danios are pretty fiesty. Thanks for the suggestion!
Yeh i wouldnt advise on the betta the last thing you need is the barbs to nip it to shreds glowlite tetras are nice and red honey gourami

:wub: abirose
A gourami would add color, and they are quite the characters. :wub:

Be sure the type you get is one of the smaller types, though, as some get large. :good:
The Red Flame Gourami is a colorful fish with sometmies blue and off gree with the red boday.

Hi Everyone,
So I finished the terrible task of closing shop on my 45 gallon (per landlord's request...pfft) and transferred my three pearl danios to their new home a small itty bitty :( 10 gallon tank. Let me tell you, capturing these guys in the 45 gallon was pure torture. I have never been so frustrated in my life. Picture it: I, standing on a kitchen chair, a net, a flexible cutting board to try to "section off" the tank for capture, and my head almost completely submerged! It was a tall tank, so let me tell you NOT FUN. I ended up emptying the tank almost all the way down and FINALLY catching them. The guy at the LFS wasn't joking about how difficult they were to capture.

So now in my new little habitat, I have 3 pearl danios and 3 new cherry barbs. All living quite happily I might add. However, the tank is lacking a bit of color, it has enough activity, but I wanted the remainder of my small, but still lovely, community to have a little more oomph. I know I can't have many more, but I'd love some feedback on some interesting and beautiful possible additions. How many more would you add? What would you add?

Guppies can add a lot of color too, and they are small, so you could get more of them in a small space. If you don't want to suddenly have 200 fishies in 4 Months, like I had, you could just get boys only. They are gennerally much more colorful than the girls anyway, or you could allow some girls and see if the fry just get eaten fast enough not to require a change of landlord so you can go back to the bigger tank. :D
Guppies can add a lot of color too, and they are small, so you could get more of them in a small space. If you don't want to suddenly have 200 fishies in 4 Months, like I had, you could just get boys only. They are gennerally much more colorful than the girls anyway, or you could allow some girls and see if the fry just get eaten fast enough not to require a change of landlord so you can go back to the bigger tank. :D

I would love some fancy guppies, however, my current tank inhabitants are a bunch of spazzes 3 Pearl Danios and 3 Cherry Barbs. In fact, they never stop, they chase each other...they chase themselves, they chase bubbles, they chase molecules of water ... See Here I'm afraid they would be a bit too much for the chilled, layed back attitude of the guppy!
Guppies can add a lot of color too, and they are small, so you could get more of them in a small space. If you don't want to suddenly have 200 fishies in 4 Months, like I had, you could just get boys only. They are gennerally much more colorful than the girls anyway, or you could allow some girls and see if the fry just get eaten fast enough not to require a change of landlord so you can go back to the bigger tank. :D

I would love some fancy guppies, however, my current tank inhabitants are a bunch of spazzes 3 Pearl Danios and 3 Cherry Barbs. In fact, they never stop, they chase each other...they chase themselves, they chase bubbles, they chase molecules of water ... See Here I'm afraid they would be a bit too much for the chilled, layed back attitude of the guppy!
My computer won't let me see it, but I can imagine, because I used to have a few zebra and leopard danios in my comunity of mostly male gups. They were pretty crazy. Some of my gups have been pretty active too though, especially since that 1 endler snuck in and made frequent escapes to the girly side of the divider. I almost wasn't sorry to see the danios go after seeing what they could do to mystery snails.
I have heard of male bettas getting beat up pretty badly by active tank mates too.

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