Angel Fish Popeye! :(


New Member
Jul 11, 2006
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I have a jewel trigon corner tank. I have two angelfish neon and glowlight tetras and a plec. I noticed that my silver angelfish has one eye which is bulging and the skin around the eye looks pink and there seems to be skin almost coming off at the top of the eye. The fish is still eating ok but seems a bit less active sometimes hiding behind rocks. After researching I identified it as popeye but I have never dealt with this disease and i am unsure about the best way to go about treating it and whether isolating the fish would cause it too much stress. The fish have a good varied diet and regular water changes, and all the other fish seem fine. Im greatful for any advice anyone who has dealt with popeye can give

Thank you Abi-Rose :sad:

check out this website. It will give you all the information you need


the article finishes off with

The good news is that pop-eye is not often fatal, especially if given proper treatment. Pop-eye will sometimes even go away on its’ own with no treatment. As pop-eye is generally not very contagious, one fish expert, Dr. Chris Andrews, recommends observing your fish with pop-eye, while left in the main tank, to see if he gets better on his own or not. If the other previously healthy fish in the tank begin to get pop-eye, he then recommends isolation and treatment of the affected fish. I would advise that you search carefully for the cause of the pop-eye as discussed in this article and treat accordingly. If you cannot figure out the cause, then I recommend treatment with either Kanacyn or Maracyn-Two, for a possible bacterial infection, in a separate hospital tank. While the main tank may be treated with these antibiotics without harming its’ biological filtration, treating in a hospital tank allows you to isolate the sick fish from the others and medicating a smaller tank means lower medication costs.

Even with proper treatment, your fish may be left with a grotesque eye and fish have even been known to “lose” the eye, that is, the eye becomes detached from its’ socket. Losing an eye is not necessarily traumatic for a fish. Fish can live a relatively normal life with just one eye, except that they can have problems with depth perception, that is, knowing how close or how far things are away from them. This can make swimming and eating a bit of a challenge. A fish that is blinded in one eye should not be destroyed, as they most often can live out a healthy and full life!

Thank you very much that website had helped me identify the popeye, Im still rather unsure as to the cause of the pop eye and im in a bit of dilema. I hate to think that the angelfish maybe suffering whilst in the community tank so i am unsure about leaving him and seeing if he gets better on his own, but I am wary of isolating him, incase the stress is to much. The angelfish seemed un interested at feeding time so I think i may isolate him and medicate the water. Is this the best thing to do?

Thank you Abi-Rose

p.s who knew this disease was so horrid!!! Makes u glad ur not a fish! :/

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