

New Member
Jul 11, 2006
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Hiya I did a large water change in my Jewel Trigon corner tank and rearanged the rock wall. After filling the tank up with water again I went to put my hand in to move a plant but I got a strange shock like a bad static shock as i put my hand in. None of the electrical wires or plugs came in contact with the water but I am concerned as to what it might be. Although the fish seem fine I was concerned as to whether the shock was affecting them. Does anyone have any idea what could cause this? Im still wary about putting my hand in!! The only thing I can think of is that something may be faulty but i would really like some advice before i spend a small fortune replacing everything! Is it possible that it is just the lighting system? Thank you for any help! x
Hiya I did a large water change in my Jewel Trigon corner tank and rearanged the rock wall. After filling the tank up with water again I went to put my hand in to move a plant but I got a strange shock like a bad static shock as i put my hand in. None of the electrical wires or plugs came in contact with the water but I am concerned as to what it might be. Although the fish seem fine I was concerned as to whether the shock was affecting them. Does anyone have any idea what could cause this? Im still wary about putting my hand in!! The only thing I can think of is that something may be faulty but i would really like some advice before i spend a small fortune replacing everything! Is it possible that it is just the lighting system? Thank you for any help! x

The thing i would do is for example :

* Unplug the light from the mains and give it a a couple of min, put your hand back in to see if you get the same feeling !Just keep repeating the process to your filter, heater and any other electrical items that are incorporated with your set up.

This way you can eliminatewhat the problem is. Chances are it maybe be static from you and the fish tank and just gave you a nasty little buzz.

hope this helps a bit

Me and a friend had a saltwater tank running a while back i go to move the filter and got a weird shock so i unplugged everything and then put my hand in again to see if it stopped, but it hadnt and i was still getting shocked so plugged everything back in and got my friend to try and put his hand in (see if was happening to him) to my amazement he never got shocked. so i left it to the next day see if it was still happening and it had stopped and havent got shocked ever since. so i think its something to do with us and what we touched nothing to do with the tank.
Hope You Solve It :)
thank you for the advice I hope this method doesnt end up frying me though :lol: I had tried to put my hand in again and i still got the same shock so theres definately something wrong because its happened more then once and not just static! i just dont like the idea of gunia pigging myself :lol: the things we have to do for our fish! Do you happen to know what the problem is most likely to be? Like which piece of equipment would be faulty to create that sort of shock? thank you for your help x
Me and a friend had a saltwater tank running a while back i go to move the filter and got a weird shock so i unplugged everything and then put my hand in again to see if it stopped, but it hadnt and i was still getting shocked so plugged everything back in and got my friend to try and put his hand in (see if was happening to him) to my amazement he never got shocked. so i left it to the next day see if it was still happening and it had stopped and havent got shocked ever since. so i think its something to do with us and what we touched nothing to do with the tank.
Hope You Solve It :)
How strange!! I hope thats the case with me and Im just over reacting!! I dont like playing with electrics and water :lol: not a good idea! perhaps im just electrically charged! x
I noticed this too the other day with my tank!

It was my tetra ex600 causing the problem. well 2 days after I found this problem the filter broke the seal went dumping water over my floor! so i expect the water was gettin into the motor head!

Possibly the static shock is a fault and the reason you dont feel the 240v is its going back down the earth wich is what earth should do!

I was thinking of getting a electrical tester screwdriver and sticking the tip in the water just to check each time befor putting my hand in the tank any problems ill know about cause the light will glow :good:

Good tip?
You would be able to tell if youre fish were getting shocked as they would be acting very abnormal. Ive always had problems with filters and electrics (one filter shorted the whole house and then spent 1 hour trying to fix it) so if i were you i would check the filter first, also with the juwels the lights would be very unlikley to put volts into the water because of the positioning. Not really sure about heaters as never had any problems with them.
Hope Some Of This Helps :)
Thanks for your help I guess im going to have to be brave and play around with the electrics and seeing if I still get shocked :unsure: wow im going to have a fun morning! Wish me luck if I dont reply its because I cant get on my computer because I will have cut the power off to my entire street! :lol: x
Ok well this morning I put my hand in and was astonished to find it was ok!! After feeling rather optimistic I moved a plant but then found that the shock came after having my hand fully in the water and travelled up my arm! Before it was just in an instance but it was delayed this time but still felt quite strong! I think that the problem might be the powerhead in the filter or the heater they are a little old so i might aswell just replace them i think x
Just unplug your kit, one thing at a time until you find the culprit !

ALL AQUARIA should be run via an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) you life simply isnt worth less !
Agreed, in fact the current edition of the IEE Wiring regulations states that all portable equipment, ie that that has a plug that can removed, should be connected to a supply protected by a RCD or RCBO, this has been the case since around 2002 when the 16th edition came into force. If for any reason you are not protected that way you can buy a 'plug in' RCD for almost no money from any DIY store. Most are sold to protect lawnmowers and the like but will be perfectly suitable.
You've got stray current leaking from somewhere...Better find out what it is...Heaters are usually the culprits!

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