Jewel Trigon 350


New Member
Jul 11, 2006
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Hiya Iv had a Jewel Trigon 350 corner tank for about 2/3 years. At first I had a comunity tank but then decided to keep some discus fish instead. Now iv only got two discus left and im thinkin about doing a whole new refit and have a comunity tank again. However im a little unsure about which fish to use and how to design the tank. Does anyone have the same tank with a successful design? Or any good comunity fish plans which look good? The tank is on display so everyone see's it so i want it to look really good but iv always had trouble with its design because its a bit awkward with it being a corner tank!! Thanks! Abirose :)
hiya, i've got the same tank, currently houses an oscar a plec and a syno

however i'm looking to change it over to a community set up soon

my thoughts for stocking are praecox rainbows, congo tetras, rummy nose tetras and some of the bigger cories.

just having really big groups of each of them and leaving it at that.

i always think tanks with lots of smaller groups look way to busy, bigger groups and not so many species looks more natural IMO
I was thinking about getting a variety of shoaling fish like the tetras can i just ask how you'v decorated it? Or is it just the standard bogwood plants and rocks. I just find it quite an awkward tank to decorate

Abirose x
i have the same tank as you as well and i also find it hard to decorate it
i have a oscar and a common plec but i would like to give them that bit more room. Hopfuly i can sell my trigon and buy the tank i want...
I think a trigon would look realy good planted with nice tall bogwood in with colourfull schooling fish
Thats what i would have done IF i was good at decorating tanks.

i am soon to start a trigon 350 setup my main fish will be angels and then i will plan around them. i w ill keep it well planted i will be starting a journal soon so watch this space

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