Dwarf Puffers


New Member
Apr 16, 2006
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Lately i've learned that platies are a really boring fish to keep so i'm thinking about dwarf puffers.

I need all the info i can get and also...how many dwarf puffers can i keep in a 5gal.????????

A random question but Can I keep a betta in a 2.5 gal.??

Lately i've learned that platies are a really boring fish to keep so i'm thinking about dwarf puffers.

I need all the info i can get and also...how many dwarf puffers can i keep in a 5gal.????????

A random question but Can I keep a betta in a 2.5 gal.??


I think a DP needs a 10g but i am probably wrong. A betta can go in a 2.5g yes.
ok i know it's not 10gal. i've been looking on google and yahoo and i keep getting 2-3 gal.

Do you think i can keep two in a 5gal.??

OK thanks for the help guys!! Now can any one give me tips or facts about them. water type chemistry...

I need all the help i can get!!

Feed them lot's of bloodworms, snails etc.

Water chemistry is not to important, but ammonia, nitrite should be at 0 the same as all fish.

Only one puffer in a 5g.

They like lot's of plants etc. in the tank to stop them becoming bored and just swimming up and down the front of the tank glass.

Lately i've learned that platies are a really boring fish to keep so i'm thinking about dwarf puffers.

I need all the info i can get and also...how many dwarf puffers can i keep in a 5gal.????????

A random question but Can I keep a betta in a 2.5 gal.??


IME DPs are reasonably hardy. 2 will be the max in a 5 UK gal provided you have plenty of hiding places. Feed them live/frozen bloodworms (as staple) and snails (as treats).

More info on dwarfpuffers dot com (unable to post link for some reason :sad:) and read their forum posts too :)
personally from my experiance with bettas i think its a bit mean to put them in 2.5 gallon tanks cos there so small just cos they survive in that doesnt mean that its nice for them. My betta Sushi :D prefers to be in larger tanks plus it lets you appriciate the finage and colour more. Trust me on this one lol

:wub: abirose
Believe that sand is preferable to gravel as DP's are scaleless, plenty of plants/caves/hiding spots, good/frequent water quality/changes as they are pretty messy eaters, Otos can make good tank mates - other than that, as above see dwarfpuffers .com (won't let me post links either, lol), great site on DP's.

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