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  1. Y

    Platy, guppy, zebra danios

    These 3 types of fish a good mix? I've read abit about them. Do they need to be kept in groups and if so how many fish in their groups? Whats an exciting/entertaining fish but small i havent named i could get please? Something fast would be good. I like speed ;) Going to the pet store in 7...
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    cycling problems

    I got ammonia down to 0. My tank was very cloudy though. I did a water change and added a second filter and its clear now :D but my ammonia has gone up to 4.0 or possibly 8 :o. Day 10 of the tank today(friday) and im getting my first ever fishes. I hope they will be okay. I m getting Zebra...
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    aquarium snails

    Can u get hold of snails at pet stores? I'd like a few
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    Water Temperature

    Make the tank a non bf zone ;) Jk :D
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    First fish

    Sounds good! As i was going to bed last night, 6 hrs after the second filter was in place i could see the water was far clearer. This morning its almost perfectly clear so the 2 filters have worked wonderes! Hopefully will be getting fish on friday.
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    First fish

    i got another plump. The same one i had already. i have both on.. not forever..just to whenever i get the water clear. I need one of them gravel cleaners.. can someone tell me there actual name? I moved some gravel and lots of dirt so i need 1. Anyone know how much they cost in england? I hope...
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    First fish

    well 12 hrs after the water change its still cloudy although i can just make out part of the plants which i couldnt before so its a little clearer Today i wont get any fish but i am going to get a new filter just to see if it is the current filters fault its cloudy ;)
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    First fish

    just 6 days. Its a week tomorrow. The waters like normal water just dirty..wait i ll take a pic. Theres a rock to the left u can just make out. Theres something behind it u cant see and theres plants in the middle/right u cant see either :(
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    First fish

    My waters ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings are all 0. However the water is very cloudy - u cant see much at all. I ve just performed a water change in some attempt to help the situation. At the moment (30 mins later) nothing has changed. Tomorrow i am at the pet store and was going to get...
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    Ballon Molly died 2 weeks after giving birth

    thanks very much :D
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    Ballon Molly died 2 weeks after giving birth

    lol yeah same species as himself. I saw it on some programe about mothers who do great things for their kids. The octopus usually dies also.. she has to protect all her kids that feed off her(i think) or anyway she cant move from protecting them from these other fish and so she goes weeks...
  12. Y

    Water quality

    I added more food yesterday and today day 6 of the tank the water reads as ammonia 0 to 0.25 (i would say more 0) nitrite 0 nitrate 0 I saw ammonia at max once 8.0 so thats a spike right. The nitrite i think i had a spike..i havent been testing everyday. I saw it at 2.0 at one point. Is...
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    Ballon Molly died 2 weeks after giving birth

    Can someone answer this. I saw it on the discovery channel once, theres this insect or at least something that lives in the ocean and isnt a fish ;) and he has a burrow and he attracts females to it but once they are in range he attacks them and brings them deep into his home where he has upto...
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    disappearing corys

    Yeah reading this makes me wanna come round and look myself ;) but i believe u i just really wanna know what happened to them. Here this has nothing to do with fish bout a Possessed toy.. he goes on and on about it being haunted. it...
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    disappearing corys

    I wanna know the answer to this. only things can do is to check every single bit of gravel but would mean taking it all out... if u didnt find anything - unless u believe in ghosts someone must of taken the fish out.. anyone had access to the tank to remove the fishes?
  16. Y

    Cloudy water

    Does cloudy water harm fish? put them under stress?
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    my fish are crap

    lol picky fish
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    Water quality

    Should i add more food then? :)
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    Water quality

    Hi i got my tank tuesday. Went for a food cycle because i couldnt get my hands on ammonia. I havent put any food in since wednesday though. Yesterday i did an ammonia test and it read 8.0. Today it reads 4.0 so its fallen slightly, nitrite is 2.0 and nitrate 10. The nitrite was 0 earlier in the...
  20. Y

    So whats a good price for a 10 Gal then?

    Yup light glo and the make i dunno. I've gotten rid of the box sorry :*) and it doesnt say on the tank. If u go to pets at home there wasnt many choices at least at my store so u should be able to tell which it is by the price if your store is anything the same as mine :)
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    I am the dreaded snail killer

    Gonna sound so thick here but where do the snails come from and why?
  22. Y

    So whats a good price for a 10 Gal then? The filter is at the back now and the heater behind it in that pic is where the filter is.(looks better) The fake plants are no longer there and the rock thing i bought for £5.. i named it pride rock from the movie the lion king ;) but thats...
  23. Y

    So whats a good price for a 10 Gal then?

    I got a 13.5 gallon tank the other day from pets at home. £70.. with it the heater, filter, light/connected in the roof, temperature reader, some fake plants, food and some water treatment products. Since then (tuesday) i ve bought real plants, gravel, 2 rocks/toy things, a fishing net, a big...
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    Why do fish jump out of water?

    When i was younger there are these fishing lakes that were closed during the mating season where someone said to me they jump about alot and sometimes out on to the banks. It something to do with mating maybe? or they are just stupid? ;)
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    Where to dispose of fish?

    Ah i havent got any fish yet. My tank is cycling, getting fish tuesday. I hope they make it but everyone talks as if they will die being starter fish...Whenever a fish dies i was going to dig them a grave out of respect but now i just thought perhaps wraping them in toliet paper(or something...
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    Where to dispose of fish?

    I was planning to do what Tokis-Phoenix said about putting them in the garden whenever my fish die. Cept the afterlife bit i dont believe in.
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    Why do fish jump out of water?

    why do people have tanks with no top/roof
  28. Y

    Cloudy water

    :*) this but i had the filter slightly above the water line to create a waterful effect so the water could mix/oxergen faster and i believe it was that.. i turned the power down and put it under the water line and 2 hrs later the water is almost clear again so yeah that was why my water was all...
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    fish and noise

    i hope not, i have 2 tvs(cable/ps2) and my pc in here, my room where the tank is(music played on the pc)
  30. Y

    Cloudy water

    i did some tests yesterday, ammonia 0.25, nitrite depending if has the light on it could be between 0.25/1.0 and nitrate 40/80. Dunno if thats normal, the day before when i tested the results were 0
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    Cloudy water

    My water went very cloudy after i put some food in(using it to cycle with) and its been like this now for 36 hrs.. Theres a green plant in the tank i can bearly make out thats how thick the mist is..I've not put anything in the water for over a day now and the filter has been on non stop since...
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    Ghost Shrimp Disappearing

    "The ghost shrimp is also surprising long lived. A 10 cm individual excluding appendages may be 10 years old and many reach an age of 15 or 16 years old." Wonder if yours will live that long ;) Apprently you are supposed to have plants for them to hide in.. if warmer water they are more active...
  33. Y

    Ghost Shrimp Disappearing

    They ve grown on me now :*) can u have them if u have gravel? I was just reading about them and it said they dig burrows into the if u can have them in gravel do they just live on the gravel? - or would i need sand :)
  34. Y

    Ghost Shrimp Disappearing

    I ve just seen a picture of a ghost shrimp *shudders* i wouldnt want any of them, reminds me of spiders - and we certainly dont get on. And also if i was a fish i wouldnt wanna be taking a bite out of that, although for them i'm sure its tasty ;)
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    Ghost Shrimp Disappearing

    U need a video recorder or use webcam if ur pc is close enough to the tank and record a hr or so and see if u spot the attackers - open a x-file on it if u must B)
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    Deliver fish

    Thanks :D
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    Do you eat fish

    fish and other animals have to eat meat where as humans can live without the need to kill other species in order to eat - if they choose to of course
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    Deliver fish

    Is it possible to have fish delivered in england/uk or is it illegal in this country? And if it is legal - does anyone know the links to these stores please?
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    Do you eat fish

    No im a vegetarian. That pinned live food thread made me feel quite bad after i had finished reading it yesterday :no:
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    Gasping Fish

    I got my tank yesterday and i accidently had the heater to high :*) - when i went to bed the water was 26c 79f and had been for a hr or so but when i woke the water was all misty(it was clear the night before) and the temp i dunno what it was but the water was warm and above 86f(what is the max...