my fish are crap


New Member
Mar 15, 2005
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:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: i hate my fish now. I woke up this morning and three of my ghost tiger barbs were dead, now my female betta is on her last fin.Two days ago i had a half eaten fish in my tank, later that day my last guppy had been chewed on so i had to bin him.I have two kids and they are easier to look after than the bloody things. Four fish left now wondering how long thay will lastI *** **** fish dont know why i do it might not try again, fed up thats what i am.

This is a family friendly forum. Please watch your language!
Can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, what size tank how many fish and which kind, any physical symptoms on them like fungus, spots, heavy breathing flicking and rubbing on objects, were there tummys swollen, where they swimming normal, anything, also has there coloured darkened.
Wo there, slow down! - is it possible that something's reigning terror on your tank? If you're not sure just list the remaining fish species and maybe we can identify the culprit
Apart from what Wilder has asked, how big is your tank/was it new and what species of fish did you have in it and how many?
and why are you telling us this? to tell us you hate your fish, or to tell us that you want to cure them, if your just telling us that their crap, thats spam. my fish are nice and hardy and none have died in over 2 years!
Post what fish you have in your tank. The fact that you took the time to write into this forum means that you are looking for a solution. Supply people with as much facts as you can about your setup/fish etc, then 99 times outa 100 someone will be able to help you.
The fish are in an unnatural element anyway being a fishtank in your house, it's up to you to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible to be able to look after them properly.
the fish might not like you either.Dont blame the fish...its usualy the owner what is doing somwthing wrog to make them die
yea my fish prefer brunettes, and I have sandy blonde hair. They put up with me though because some of them have a crush on my girlfriend....
nc_nutcase said:
yea my fish prefer brunettes, and I have sandy blonde hair. They put up with me though because some of them have a crush on my girlfriend....
lol picky fish
hey jimmer,

try to stay calm and give as much information about ur tank as you can.

(feel free to use this layout)

1) how long has your tank been running?
2) how big is your tank
3) what fish did/have you got in this tank
4) how long has this been going on
5) what are the symptoms
6) have you recently added any new fish.
7) what are you tanks ph/ammonia/nitrite/nitrate readings

if you can answer as many of these as possible we might be able to help you out :)

most of us understand your frustrations, and i can honestly say that all of us have been 'newbies' to this hobbie somwhere along the line.

it also helps if members dont go 'off' topic here and help this guy out? :flex:
Anger management...anger management...

I do know how you feel, I once got a cat because someone told me they lower the blood pressure. Well, after the stupid clawed furniture and chewed everything, and yowling all the time, my blood pressure was through the roof. I decided to go into fish. (I wasn't mature enough for a cat.)

So the fish started to die. (I wasn't mature enough for fish.) All except for the betta that was swimming in about 2 cups of water in a little bettahex (I KNOW, I KNOW, it eats me up inside. I have no idea how that fish survived 3 years with never a sign of fin rot or anything.)

Now that I have matured, done some research and decided what it is I want, there are fish everywhere, tanks on every flat surface, and no one has died in months.

Learn about what went wrong.
Decide if you are willing to do it right.
If no, have a yard sale or put an ad in the paper and sell your tank and stuff.
If yes, start doing it right. And take it slow. You will get what you want.

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